Chapter 8:

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Zoe's POV:

 I am fuming with Alfie, did he really think I would leave Harry and ignore it after what I saw? I don't understand why he got so mad at me. what if I ditched you for Chloe. His words rang through my ears. It already feels like he does. They are best friends and I know I shouldn't of been jealous he always told me not to be, but he's being hypocrital by telling me not to hang around Harry. I should be allowed to hang out with who I want, and he shouldn't stop me. Thinking over it I don't know why I am so mad at him. Maybe I should turn back and apologize for my out burst. No, I'll stand my ground on this, if I want to be friends with Harry, he is going to have to accept it.

 I keep walking down the road, the wind picking up, blowing my hair into my face. I pull the hair out of my face and see two figures walking toward me. I see his mop of curly hair and know instantly that it's Harry. He is with that boy he called Luke. 

 "Zoe? What are you doing? Why aren't you with your boyrfriend." Harry scowls, stopping infront of me.

 "We got into a fight." I sigh.

 "Oh I'm sorry to hear..." He replies awkwardly. "If you want you can walk with us." His friend Luke smiled pushing back his light blonde hair from his face. Harry raised an eyebrow at him.

 "Yeah okay sure, I've got nothing else to do." I stiffle a laugh.  The three of us walk down the narrow path way. I don't know where they are leading me but I'll go with. I need to stand my ground with Alfie and this is the distraction I need to not go back begging forgiveness.  

  Alfie's POV: 

"Zoe, please wait." I call after her as she walks right passed us.

"We can talk later." She says. I can tell I have angered her big time. What just happened? Zoe and I never have fights and now we've just had two in one day over, Harry Styles. Why can't she see he's rotten company to keep. He is not for her. He shouldn't be talking to her.  My frustration is growing every second she is gone.

"Alfie? You okay..." Chloe ask's. Truthfully no, I'm not okay but I can't show that.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lie.

"Come on Alfie, I know you better than that." She prompts.

"I said I'm fine." I try my best to smile at her.

"Whatever you say." She mumbles.

"I think I might head aswell... Chloe can we go back to your house to grab my bags." Louise speaks up. Chloe agrees and we head back to her house. 

I wait out side as Chloe and Louise head inside to gather Louise's bags. They return out side within a few minutes with Louise carrying a large carrier bag slung over her right shoulder.  

"Right I'm heading home. I'll see you guys later" Louise walks off down the lane to her house.

"Want to come over to mine? Or we could stay here if you want." I ask my best friend.

"Yeah sure lead the way" She smiles. 

"What are you going to do about the whole Zoe thing." Chloe sighs, walking along side me.

"I really don't know.  I don't like her being anywhere near Harry. He changed Jenny for the worse, and I don't want Zoe to change in any way at all." I tell her. I already see a slight change in Zoe's attidtude. She's more out going and can stand up for herself, but that is not bad necessarily.

 "Just let it go, she's just friends with him. You can't really tell someone they can't be friends with who they want" 

"But it's Harry. He has a way of corrupting people and it's not for the best. I'm trying to protect her." I say. Protect her from what? Harry, what can he really do to her? Hurt her...Change her... I don't know but I know he won't be a good friend to her.

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