Ch. 4

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Today was soccer team tryouts. Every single day felt robotic. Get up in the morning, go to school, take notes, eat, go to P.E., go home, do homework, sleep. This is what happens when you have no friends.

For the time I am here, I look at all the lunch tables. Every single day, I sit at a bench realizing I wasn't Queen of the school anymore. Things changed, but I couldn't handle that. I use to sit at the "jock" table every single day. We would laugh, and share test answers, and have an amazing time. But now, I barely laugh or talk to anyone anymore. It feels so horrible, feeling so down and being a loner.

Mom usually has a business trip during my first two or three months of school. Now that I dont have any games, she doesn't have an excuse to come home for a few days. I haven't spoken to my mother in a week. After I landed from the plane, when I woke up she was gone.

Today, I look over the tables like I usually do. I stopped my glaze over to someone waving their arms at me. It was Bryson, why would he be interacting with me? Bryson notices I am looking at him, and waves me over. I slowly walk over to the jock table, I was hesitant.

I stop at the table and they all notice me and stare. "You guys, this is Charlotte." Bryson says. I wave awkwardly and Bryson gestures me to sit down. I sit between him and Matthew, I haven't really talked to them since we beat Parker's team.

"Um, why is she here?" Parker snaps. It looks like he just came back. Parker sits down and stares at me. Wow, lots of staring today.

"What don't want the girl who beat you at soccer to be here?" I snap at him. I dealt with this before in my freshman year, I'm not dealing with it again. The boys let out a ooooooh. Bryson adds a "Burn!".

"You think you are so good at soccer? I heard tryouts were today, maybe you should try out." Parker smirks. He high fives his friends. I raise my eyebrows, is this a challenge.

I look at him weird and say, "You mean for the girls team?"

The boys snicker at me. Parker rolls his eyes before making a sassy remark, "No, the school doesn't have a girls team. They were so horrible the school didn't want to pay for it. If you as good as you say, you would try out for the boys team."

I brightly smile at him, "See you then!" I stand up and walk away. I was going to try out for soccer. Not just any soccer team though, the boys soccer team. If Parker thinks he could try to scare me like that, then he will get hit ten times stronger.

After school. It was after school and my stomach was filled with butterflies. I didn't know what this tryout was going to be like. Last time I tried out, the coach made it harder for me than the other players. Luckily, I made it. But, I never got along with the players. My old teammates were very rude to be in the beginning. This got me benched for some of the starting games of the season,

I noticed the boys in a straight line, with the coach in front of them. I started to warm up with them, hoping to not been seen or called out. Coach said we had to warm up to make sure we didn't lose any limbs. Warm ups lasted for about ten minutes.

"Listen up, Men! We will run two miles. I was going to make you run three miles, but I was being nice. Do not get use to it. This will effect you being on the team or not. This will be hell for the week. So you young lady, I suggest you go to cheerleading tryouts instead." Coach says to me. We all get in a line, and wait for Coach to count it down. Coach abruptly screeches his whistle.

The other boys run as fast as they could. Stupid, you will burn out quicker. I keep a good pace. I consider my pace good since I wasn't too far behind the team. Soon, the boys were walking. This was my shot! I start to pick up my pace, this was my fifth lap. I maintained my pace, picking it up every few minutes.

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