Ch. 7

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I look at the house in front of me, staring in awe. This could not be Parker Elliot's house. It was another thing to add to my list about him being the stereotypical bad boy. Rich, he had to be rich. I was expecting a small town house in a middle class area.

I knock on the door, only to hear a muffled, "Come in!" I open the door. The room was filled with blankets and pillows. We were sleeping on the floor tonight.

"I don't have enough rooms for all of the team. So we all just sleep on the floor, to keep things fair." Parker explains.

"Are we just going to stay here till the game?" I ask. We had always just stayed at my house until the game. My teammate brought his Mom's van and we all just rode to school.

"Yeah, it would be a hassle going back here after school." Parker says. I was relived, the thought of me wasting my gas on coming here to spend the night for the next three days was unbearable. But another part of me was nervous, I was spending three days with guys I barely know.

"So what do you guys usually do during team bonding?" I ask.

"Well, we never do the same thing every year. Sometimes, we practice soccer and play some fifa. One time we did whatever came to mind." Parker answers.

Parker and I sit on the couch, waiting for the other boys to come. By the time they all arrived, I had already pigged on most of the food. "Really, you had to eat all the good chips?" Bryson complains.

"You snooze you lose!" I shrug. The team and I were watching She's the Man. It is one of my favorite movies. Very ironic though, I was on a boys team. The only girl, to be specific.

I stare at the blank white t-shirt. Everyone thought it would be a good idea to tie dye shirts. My shirt had my last name and my number, nine. "I still dont get why we are doing this." I say. I squirt all the dyes on the shirt, this was going to be ugly. Not to mention, we were dyeing the shirt with our school colors. Let just say, Blue, green, and red do not mix perfectly.

When we were done, our tie dye shirts looked okay. "We should take a photo." Parker suggests. I laugh at them, and shake my head. They were dumb.

"You know we can't take a photo right now, right?" I laugh. The boys look at me confused. This look made me laugh harder. Could the boys not see what I see? "The shirts are still wet with dye."

The boys came with a realization on their face. "Uh, while these dry. I bought war heads, shall we play never have i ever?" Parker suggests. We follow him into the large kitten, it was mostly black and white. Parker fills cups with war heads. I take my cup, and walk back to our sleeping area. I realize something, that was pointless. I had just walked to the kitchen and back.

"You all know the rules, if you have done the thing that we ask, you take a war head in your mouth. You have to keep it in, you can't chew or swallow." Parker says.

"Never have I ever had my first kiss." Bryson says.

The boys and I all take a war head. "Really, Bry? The most girly question ever?" Parker says. The team laughs at Parker's statement. I flinch at how sour it is.

"Never have I ever egged a house." I say.

I take a war head in my mouth. I was surprised, Parker and I was the only people who took a war head. The others looked at me in shock. I shrug in response.

"Never have I ever been impressed by my teammates dick size."

I laugh and stuff two war heads in my mouth. I wince in pain as I laugh harder. All the boys had taken a war head. I start coughing, the war heads were sliding down my throat. Not the best thing in the world.

"Never have I ever... ugh this is getting boring." Matthew says. We had gone through our whole war head cups. The war heads were now sweet. I could basically see the light bulb in Parker's head when he gasps.

"There is a party going on tonight. If we have nothing else to do.." Parker trailed off. He waggles his eyebrows, causing everyone to murmur.

"Isn't this suppose to be a team bonding? You are all just going to get drunk." I complain. It wasn't all about team bonding, I didn't have an outfit! What was I suppose to wear to the first high school party this year?

But here I was, standing in front of the mirror. Parker has an older sister who moved out, her clothes are still here. I took only a shirt. The black shirt was a perfect fit. The shirt has a criss cross front. I was actually pleased with my look for once.

I walk down the stairs, and I spin. "Finally! We have been waiting forever!" Bryson complains. I laugh as we get into Parker's van. Every soccer player needs a mom van, right? I turn on the radio, I had shot gun.

As we pull up to the house, I stare in awe. This place was larger than my old house. The house looks bigger than the White House! I could practically feel the music bouncing off the walls. I open the door, and see everyone grinding.

I just need a drink. I push through the bodies. When I found the kitchen, I look through the cooler. All I could find was booze. I sigh and pour the next type of alcohol I see into my cup. I don't drink, but I had to seem "cool". I sigh, this was going to be a long time.

I lift my drink in the air. For once in my life, I was having fun. All of the responsibilities fell to the floor, I forgot about them. I sway my hips, this was a really good song! All the sudden, the music stops. I come back to reality, what was I even doing?

I hear shouting, it wasn't the usual cat fight of two people. It was more than twenty people, the voices were booming. Instinctively, I move closer to the sound. I gasp, I see Sam's blonde hair. "Sam!" I call.

The shouting stops. It was like time stopped because of me. I see Sam turn around, I laugh. Why was he here? I run over to him and jump into his arms. Sam sets me down, "What are you guys doing here?" I ask.

"You think we would miss your first game?" Sam says. Wait, there was more of them? Did all my team come? I see the other guys appear out of nowhere. When I see Tyler, I run over to him and jump on him.

"But.. But.. isn't your game on Friday too?" I stutter. Sam shakes his head. "Did you guys fail already?" I joke.

"No, it just got pushed till Sunday. Its weird, Coach didn't even tell us why." Sam says.

"I cant wait to spend all these days with you!" Tyler says.

I feel my smile fall. I had to do this. I have a new team now. "Actually, rain check. I have team bonding all week. You know how important it is."

I could feel their disappointment, I felt so guilty. I had no reason to be guilty. I have a new team. "I will see you guys on Friday." I turn away. Dont feel guilt, dont feel... ugh. I wave of guilt filled my senses. There was no reason for this. But guilt was all I could feel.

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