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First of all, thank you for clicking on this story!! It does mean a lot to me, so thank you very much.

How much do I update? That all depends on if someone wants to read it. Let me know if you want to read by simply voting for a chapter. I will update for one person if that's all who's reading.


There are two types of people on wattpad. You have your readers who like to know who the author sees the characters as in their mind, but you also have the people who like to vision the characters the way they want to. Personally, I am the second reader, but I understand that there are readers like the first.

1) If you want to know who I vision the characters to be in my mind, scroll all the way down to the bottom and see for yourself, but if you do not, I completely understand.

2) To avoid spoiling it for yourself, click the drop down box and go straight to chapter one.

For the people who do like to know, please don't spoil it for the ones who don't. It really can screw with their brains. God knows it messed with mine in multiple stories.

One more thing before I go, if you want me to tell others about your story so you can get more reads, just message me and I'll do it. I know it can be hard getting your story out there, so I'm happy to help.

Almost there...

So close...


Sometimes when I'm writing, I see myself in the situation as Grace, but Grace really is Sasha kichigina. I picture her without makeup.

 I picture her without makeup

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