| 3 | Bowling

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The drive is long and quiet, but we're finally here at the bowling alley, and may I say, this one is a big alley. Big buildings stress me out. Big buildings mean a lot of people, and as we've learned.. people aren't really my thing.

"I can't believe I even agreed to this." I say as we walk up to the doors.

"It's too late to back out now." he says with a small laugh, and I follow him inside.

We go up to the guy up front, and I feel myself start to panic at the fear of actually having to talk to people. What if he asks for my shoe size? Do they even ask that or do you just walk in? Do I have to pay? Is this guy going to ask me any questions?

I ball my fists up to keep them from shaking, and Tyler notices. He looks at me with pity, which only makes me feel worse. I don't need anyone to feel sorry for me. That is the last thing I need from Tyler, or anyone for that matter. He grabs my hand, and I jump at the contact, completely shocked that he even touched me.

I look down at our hands that are intertwined together, and I look back up at Tyler. Our eyes lock, and I can feel my face turning bright red, but I can't look away. Not like the car where it was easy to do so, I just can't look away.

He gives me a small smile and he squeezes my hand, giving me a supportive look. It's sad that I react this way to comfort. I give him a small nod and I look away. I don't want to stare anymore.

"Bowling for two, and a couple rentals." he says, and the guy rings up the numbers in the machine.

"That'll be 32 exact." says the guy and Tyler pulls out his wallet and pays for the both of us. Him paying for me makes me feel all awkward. People don't usually do that for me.

"Alright, the shoes are over there and pick any lane you want." says the guy and Tyler says thank him before taking me to the shoe section.

I go for my size and take the first pair I see. I hate bowling shoes. They're so disgusting. Hundreds of people have worn this exact pair. It makes me sick. Tyler already has his picked out, and he takes me to the very back of the building. I am so thankful for him doing that. I need to be isolated from people, or I can't function right.

He goes up to log both of our names in the computer as I slip on the bowling shoes. They fit great, and lucky for me, they seem to be a newer pair.

"I'm gonna go get us some bowling balls. What size do you want?"

"I'm weak, so get me something easy. Like 6 pounds." I tell him, and he laughs at me before walking off leaving me alone to my thoughts. No one has ever gone out of their way to make me feel like I matter. He took me out for bowling. I can't help but smile, but I stop myself. I normally don't smile unless I'm with Lindsey, and even then it's a little forced. What is this guy doing to me?

"Ok, I got you a six." he says handing me the ball and I take it from him.

"Thanks." I say quietly. I stand up and get ready to start, but he shakes his head as he looks at my clothing.

"Are you wearing anything under that hoodie?" he asks me, and I slowly nod my head yes.

"Take it off."

"No way!" I say to him.

"It's going to get really hot in here, and I refuse to let you overheat." he says to me, and I groan at him. He's so pushy.

I slip off the hoodie, and I immediately feel like I'm naked. The sleeves go half way above my elbows, but it feels like I'm wearing nothing at all compared to my normal stuff.

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