Chapter 6

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(Alex's pov)

I sat at Starbucks and had a small chat with the others. 

I would occasionally see Mark glance at y/n and blush.

Does he like her? Eh.. probably not. But I'll ask later.

When we were done, we went to the park and acted like little kids.

Y/n and Jack were hanging out by the swings while Mark, Pewds, Ken, and Cry were on the slides.

I walked over to Jack and bro-hugged him. I picked up y/n and threw her over my shoulder. 

She squeaked and giggled. I smiled and ran over to Mark. 

"AHH DONT DROP MEHHH!!" She held on to me tighter.

Mark and Jack were laughing.

(Bob's pov)

I saw the way Mark looked at y/n. He obviously had at least slight crush on her. 

I pulled him to the side and decided to ask him.

"Mark, I need to ask you a question, and be honest with me." 

"Okay, what is it?"

"Mark, umm do you like y/n?" His eyes grew wide.

"Umm why do you ask?"

"I'm just wondering cause you kinda act weird around her, and  plus, you two would be the cutest couple." As I said that last part, Mark blushed madly.

"I.. ummm.. I don't know if I like her. We only met three days ago, but she is really pretty. If we get to know each other more, I might develop a crush on her, but at the moment, I like her only as a friend." He explained. I only nodded.


srry for the rlly late update! i have no excuse other than being lazy af XD ill hopefully update again soon!

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