Chapter 11

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(your pov still)

Mark glared at Zach. 

Zach just smirked and walked over to me, making me jump into Mark's lap, clinging on to him for dear life. 

Mark blushed a little. 

Zach grabbed me, trying to pull me away from Mark.

Mark stood up, sitting me down, and punched Zach right in the jaw.

Zach tried to tackle Mark to the ground, but Mark was waay stronger than Zach.

They were throwing punches, sometimes missing.

I was scared that Mark would get seriously hurt.

After a few minutes, I decided to call the cops on Zach for abusing me.

The police soon arrived and took Zach away, leaving me and Mark alone.

I cried softly as Mark pulled me into a hug.

 We stood there, hugging for a few minutes.


"Yeah?" He replied, sitting down. 

"I'm sorry for everything that happened today." I sighed and sat down by him.

"It's ok, but can I do something?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah." I smiled softly at him.

He looked at me and slowly leaned in, but backed away quickly.

"Sorry.. nevermind." He mumbled, starting to get up, but I pulled him back down, connecting our lips roughly at first, but becoming more passionate.

I smirked as I pulled away from him. 

"I know you just broke up with him, but will you go out with me? I will never hurt you." He looked at me softly.

"Yes!" I smiled at him and kissed him again.

~Two years later~

I was happily sitting at home with my boyfriend Mark. He was in the kitchen though.

We have been dating for almost two years now, and I couldn't be happier with anyone else

"Hey y/n?"


"Come here for a second."

I walked into the kitchen to see him struggling to make food.

I giggled at him and pushed him out of the kitchen and started making the rest of the food.

After dinner, me  and Mark cuddled on the couch. 

How could my life get any more perfect, oh wait! I'm pregnant!!


thx for reading my story guys, but im srry tht i ended it so soon.

should i start a kittyplier or nekoplier (whtever u call it) x reader? i ended this story cuz i had no more ideas btw. i rlly hope u enjoyed it ! stay crunchyyy (if i think of anymore ideas, ill make a sequel =^-^=)

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