Carla Tsukinami [1]

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♕I Am Sorry♕

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Royal with Royal.

A Vampire with a Vampire.

It has always been like that.

[Name] [Surname] is a one of the surviving First Blood and a vampire princess in the neighboring kingdom.

And today was the day. The day she went to meet her fiancé, the sadistic and cruel King of the First Blood - Carla Tsukinami.

Oh, how she despise that man with a passion! Always putting a fake facade, people have to obey him or else. . .we won't go that deep.

"Lady [Name] are you ready?" A knock on her door and a feminine voice spoke.

"Yes." The [Hair Color] hair female opened the door of her chamber before letting the young maid guide her to her carriage.

Outside stood both her parents, Mother in tears with her handkerchief and Father giving a small rare smile.

Yes, [Name] was sent to live with the King - his request - and knowing him, people cannot turn down his offer or else. . .she did a motion like a knife across her throat.

"Oh my, my little angel has grown so big!" Mother sobbed as she pulled the young girl into a tight embrace.

"Now now dear, [Name] should be off. We don't want his majesty to be. . .angry. . . ." Father said as he gently pulled her mother back.

The young princess hopped onto the [Color] carriage and rode off to the castle.

During the whole ride, she glanced out the small window and tried to enjoy the scenery.

Back then she did visit him once. And that one visit made her learn her lesson.

Flashback -

"Hello [Name]." A young boy who looks older than her by two years greeted. He had long white hair with dark purple-brown fringes at the tips, accompany by his sharp golden eyes. Those eyes resemble snake eyes.

"Carla!" Being the idiot young girl with no manners, she ran at him for a hug. He was surprised at first but hugged back anyway. His brother Shin, was in the distant snickering before leaving the scene.

"You can let go now, [Name]." He mumbled letting go, but the young [Hair Color] girl wouldn't budge.

"No!" So stubborn she was back then that earn her the trouble.

In one swift motion, she fell to the floor. Carla glared at her as the young princess stared in shock.

"Don't you dare disobey me. If I gave an order you must obey, is that clear?!" Even as a young kid he was such a jerk.

She nodded, trying to hold back her tears.

"Good now get up and follow me." Reluctantly she did as she was told. It was a humiliating especially in front of a few servants.

Flashback End -

That was such a bad memory to engrave deeply in her mind.


This whole place hasn't changed as she stepped off the carriage and watch it go off in the distance.

"You've finally arrived." A male sounded behind her, she turned around and saw Carla. He was no different except for the black scarf.

"Yes, your majesty." [Name] spoke as she bowed. The white head in front of her narrowed his eyes at her formality. Back then she would shower him with hugs.

"Come, I'll show you to your room." He motioned and she followed, she could not disobey now, could she?

Soon she was greeted with two giant wooden double doors.

"If you need anything, I'll be in the throne room." She simply nodded as he left, leaving her in the giant room. Immediately she broke down.

Why did he want her? Why her? Why not someone else?

All these questioned ran through her mind as she cried. From outside her room stood Carla.

He heard her sobs, her heart-wrenching sobs that tear at his heart. He wasn't supposed to be like this. He's only marrying her to continue to the First Blood bloodline , that was it.

If so, then what is he feeling right now?

He quickly walked away leaving the sobbing girl all in her room. For some reason, guilt ate at Carla.

He, the great first blood king, almost equal to the vampire king Karlheinz; Carla Tsukinami should not be feeling bad for the girl.

On his way to the throne room, his brother - ruffled rusty blond hair with a part on the left side. He has a sharp gold eye with a slit down the middle. He wears a black eye patch covering the left side of his teal glasses along with his left eye. The eye patch has two thin white lines crisscrossed over it. He has three blue studs in his right ear, and the one in the middle is smaller than the other two.

"Shin, what do you want?" He growled, right now he was in a really bad mood.

"Nii-san are you really going to leave her like that?"

"Leave me at once!" And Carla left Shin standing in the grand hallway.

Shin just sighed and shook his shoulders, he wonders when his brother would finally understand.

Turning around he went to the princess's room.




"Who is it?" A soft voice rang before footsteps clack on the floor, coming towards the door.

"Shin." The door slowly opened to reveal a slightly disheveled young girl with [Hair Color] hair and [Eye Color] - slightly bloodshot - eyes.

"May I come in?" He asked, his golden eye narrowing slightly. [Name] said no words, only motioning for him to come in. The blond took the invite and stepped into the room.

"You do know my brother isn't all that bad right?" He said and the girl only looked down. Shin let out a small sigh.


Carla passed by [Name]'s and heard chatting. Specifically his brother and his fiancé's voice. Anger flared up in him. His brother shouldn't even be near his property, no. That is not allowed!

He busted down the door without knocking and saw [Name] laughing but soon turned her head around to see Carla. Her eyes widen before she looked down at the floor. Shin on the other hand only gave a lopsided smile as he watched his brother flare up.

"Shin, get out." The white hair male growled lowly, his eyes yelled danger. [Name] didn't dare look up.

The blond got up from the chair he was sitting on moments ago and left the room. And once again it was quiet again

"Why were you with him?!" He growled. The princess said nothing.

"Answer me!"

"He asked me if I wanted someone to talk to. . .and I accepted his offer. . . ." She said truthfully.

He came over and picked the trembling female up. Carla gently placed her on his lap. She shivered under his touch as he gently nestled his head into her neck, taking in her scent.

"You're mine, only mine! No one can have you not even my brother!" He growled into her neck sending pleasureful tingles down her spine.

Even though he hated vampires, he couldn't bring himself to hate her. She was the only one who showed him kindness after Endzeit had taken his mother with it.

He gave a small sigh as he relaxed slightly.

"I am sorry. . ."

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