Ayato Sakamaki [1]

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♛Make Me Takoyaki Again♛

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It's been a few days after Yui died. She couldn't stand biting someone for their blood after she turned and committed suicide under pressure. And it seemed like no one care, just one person less to care about.

And since Yui died, Ayato has been continually asking [Name] - the second sacrificial bride who was also turned along with Yui but didn't commit suicide - to make him takoyaki.

But the young vampire girl had never made any takoyaki in her life; sure she can cook but since she never bothered with anything so trivial she never tried. Now she wished she had asked Yui.

Unlike Yui, he didn't call her 'chichinashi', why since she wasn't all that flat. Slightly bigger than Yui's, just slightly - not as flat basically.

Somehow, just somehow every time she'll manage to escape before making some for him - it was either Reiji calling for her or Reiji scolding her for her grades. Basically, Reiji was her savior.

Until today. . .Reiji went out for the day to find some 'ingredients' for his experiments.
Now she was doomed.


"Oi, [Name] this time Reiji ain't here to help you so give up and make ore-sama some takoyaki!" Right now the [Hair Color] hair vampire was hiding from said male vampire.

"Stop hiding!" [Name] dashed into the library. If Reiji was here at the moment, he would totally yell at the two.

She quietly closed the door, wishing it wouldn't creak.

But she totally forgot that her sweet blood could be sniffed from miles. And her pounding heart would definitely give it away.

Hurriedly she dashed behind a bookshelf and hoped for the best. She took deep breaths and finally calm down.

The door creaked opened and her now calm heart started pounding heavily once again.

"Oi, I can hear your heartbeat and smell your blood, " Ayato said as he teleported right beside the shaking female.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" She shrieked before she turned around to run away. It was too late, Ayato trapped her in his embrace.

"Stop struggling and make me takoyaki!" He demanded burying his face into her neck.

"B-But. . ." She started to say.

"No buts."

"I never made takoyaki before. . . ." [Name] quietly squeaked out.

"Wha?" The demanding red head released his grip and turned around.

His eyes widen with surprise as he stared at her.

"You never made takoyaki?" Ayato screeched in disbelief.

Was it that uncommon? Was everyone suppose to know? Was she the only one?

Ayato quickly rushed away leaving the vampire female standing still in shock that he left her off the hook so easily. If she knew that she would've said it in the first place.

But that wasn't the point, before [Name] could take another step, Ayato came back with a book in hand.

A cookbook.

"Here, now go make me some takoyaki." He shoved the book into her arms, green eyes telling her to try and disobey him before walking away.

"You better make it." And he disappeared.

She stood in shock. He only went to get her a cookbook. Mentally face-palming thinking that he left her off the hook, she opened the book to the page he bookmarked.


How to make Takoyaki

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Yield: about 30 pieces


2 cups (480ml) Dashi
2 eggs
1 tsp soy sauce
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup plus 2 Tbsp all-purpose flour
2-3 green onions, finely chopped
2 Tbsp Benishoga (pickled red ginger), chopped
5-6 oz octopus, cut into 1/2" cubes
Takoyaki sauce or Okonomiyaki sauce
Aonori (green dried seaweed)
Katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes)


1. In a large bowl, mix well Dashi, eggs, soy sauce, salt, and flour with a whisk.

2. Heat a Takoyaki pan with oil to very hot, just until the oil begins to smoke. Use enough oil to coat the pan using a paper towel so that the batter won't stick. Then pour batter to fill the holes of the pan.

3. Drop octopus pieces in the batter in each hole, and sprinkle chopped green onions and ginger all over the pan.

4. Cook at medium heat for 1-2 minutes and turn over using a Takoyaki turner (you can use a chopstick too). It can be a little tricky at first, but practice makes perfect. Cook for another 3-4 minutes, turning constantly.

5. Place the cooked Takoyaki on a plate and pour Takoyaki sauce and mayo over them (to taste). Finish the dish by sprinkling the Takoyaki with Aonori (green dried seaweed) and Katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes).


Following the instructions, she managed to make some takoyaki and it doesn't look bad at all.

[Name] was surprised herself as she stared at her creation.

"Oh, you made ore-sama some takoyaki. See you could if you try!" Ayato barged into the kitchen with his nose in the air.

He must've followed the smell.

The hot red head quickly took the plate and took a bite. His face contorted to what seemed surprised.

'Uh oh. It must've been bad. . . I should probably go before he punishes me.'

Quietly like a pro, [Name] slipped away before anything bad might happen.

She ran out the mansion just in time to see Reiji coming back.

"What are you doing out here?" He questioned with a glare as he pushed his glasses up his red eyes.

"Uh, getting some fresh air in the garden?" She managed to squeak out. The purple-black hair male in front of her narrowed his eyes dangerously before walking pass her.

[Name] let out her breath that she held.

"Oi, [Name] where are you?!" Ayato's voice hollered loudly and she could hear it from outside in the garden.

He was probably going to yell at her for making bad takoyaki. At least cut her some slack, it did look edible and smell nice! It was her first time making it after all.

"Found you. . ." A hot breath tickled her ear as she turned around.

"I'm sorry!" She squeaked and bowed, waiting for her punishment but it never came. Instead two strong arms wrap around her.

"Baka, why are you apologizing?" He whispered into her ear before gently nibbling it.

She let out an inaudible moan before slightly gripping on his shirt.

"Nee, [Name]. . ." He trailed off.

"Make Me Takoyaki Again. . . ."

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