Reiji Sakamaki [2] Lemon

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☕I Love You Too☕

Warning, this is a lemon incest!!! If you don't like, don't read or skip this chapter!! Viewers discretion has been advised!!

Please proceed ahead if you don't mind incest.

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[Name] Sakamaki, the youngest daughter of the Sakamaki household. Siblings with Subaru as they both had the same biological Mother; Christa.

"Ayato-nii, save me some takoyaki!" Young [Name] only 16 pouted at her 3rd oldest brother. She was making takoyaki before he taken the whole plate, leaving [Name]'s stomach to growl.

"Make some more, this is ore-sama's!" He said greedily as he ate another one. Due to her vampire senses she could here Reiji coming close behind her.

She smirked to herself internally.

"*Sob* Ayato-nii is being mean to me!" She faked cried knowing for sure that the dark hair, glasses wearing vampire from behind would here.

"H-Hey, don't start crying!" The red head vampire started to panic, sweat drops visible on his forehead before the glasses wearing vampire appeared.

"Ayato, what are you doing?" He said sternly, his attention now on his little sister with little droplets of tear her eye.

Immediately, he glared at Ayato who flinched slightly.

"Tch," Without another word he pushed the plate of takoyaki, keyword; takoyaki into her arms before leaving.

"Hmph, are you alright [Name]?" He questioned as he adjust is glasses.

Deep inside she felt furious but she held it in.

"Thank you, Rei-nii. . . ." Though she was still sulking because of how there was only one takoyaki on her plate. She popped it into her mouth before chewing it.


She was still hungry. And Yui was busy with her other brothers.

She could hear her brother sigh loudly before extending his wrist.

"Here, drink." He ordered. The [Hair Color] hair vampire was hesitant at first but her stomach got the better of her.

Even though they are siblings, the young female vampire had always felt a strong bond between her and the second eldest son; Reiji.

Extending her fangs, she bit down breaking his smooth and porcelain like skin. Crimson liquid started flowing into her mouth as a sucked greedily. His blood was just so sweet and warm.

But it soon grew hot, like he was aroused.

She looked up at him, and noticed that his eyes were clouded slightly with lust and was looking down at her. She looked up and pulled her fangs out.

"Rei-nii?..." She questioned innocently as her fangs retract back into its place. Reiji looked down at his little sister, eyes glazed over with lust as he slammed her into the wall behind her.

"Rei-nii?!" She questioned this time more surprised, her [Eye Color] hues widen at the impact of her head hitting the wall. On both side, the glasses wearing vampire's arm blocked her escape.

"[Name]..." he mumbled lowly as he moved her [Hair Color] hair away and gave a small kiss behind her ear before giving it a lick. He bit her earlobe.

"Mnngh!..." She moaned out slightly as her brother continue to tease her ear. His hand slowly trailed down to her chest giving a small rub over the swell. [Name] tensed up, sense she wasn't wearing a bra, her nipples perked up from under her shirt making it very visible.

Her cheeks flushed red as she noticed Reiji now looking at the perk.

"My my, no bra? Such a naughty little sister you are, aren't you, [Name]?" He whispered huskily in her ear. The flush didn't die down, instead it went up.

His cold hand went under her [Color] shirt and she could feel goosebumps as he firmly cupped one of her breasts.

"Mnnghmm~" She arched her back against the wall as her brother continue to play with her soft twins.

"Rei-nii!" The [Hair Color] hair vampire shouted in shock as the lilac hair vampire lifted her shirt, exposing her chest to the cold air around them.

"So pretty..." he mumbled as he latched onto one of them, sucking and nipping at it earning continuous moans from his sister.

His other hand started tweaking the opposite one as he gave a long lick around the aroused bud.

Soon he let go as [Name] let out a breathy moan. Reiji wasted no time pulling down her [Color] skirt and ripping her panties off as well. He could see the feminine juices dripping from her core causing a huge tent in his own trousers.

"N-No, don't look!" She yelled ashamed as she tried to shut her legs.

"Don't hide from me." He growled as he pulled her legs farther open. His lilac eyes bore into hers for a reaction as he gave her slit a lick, testing the flavor.

"You taste good..." he huskily said as he dove in for more, probing her flower and getting the sweet nectar. His long tongue gently pulled on her clit as she let out an even louder moan. She pressed her womanhood even closer to his lip, yearning for more of this forbidden touch.

He stopped in his tracks causing said female to whimper.

"Rei-nii..." she begged, her eyes clouding with the same lust he had.

Reiji only smirked and stick two of his finger into her womanhood. It slipped in easily and [Name] opened her mouth. The pleasure was so good that she was speechless.

He continued to pump his two long and sleek fingers inside her, her core making all these lewd wet noises

"Look at you, all wet. You really want my dick don't you?" He panted as he unzipped his pants, letting his erection bounce free. He started pumping his own manhood for pleasure as he took in [Name]'s lewd sight.

"Rei-nii~" she begged, and he smirked.

"Seems your ready..." he stood up before pressing his tip to her entrance before forcefully shoving it in.

[Name] bit into his shoulders from the unexpected pain and her eyes started to water up.

Reiji stopped his movement, letting his little sister adjust to his size. Soon she gave him the cue and he started to thrust at a mild pace.

"Ah! Rei-nii~ Faster~" she moaned, her face painted with nothing but pleasure. This prompt the male vampire to go faster and that's what he did.

He felt himself nearing his climax and he could feel [Name] start to tighten around him as well. She was close.

"[N-Name]!" He moaned as he went at an inhuman pace.

"Rei-nii, I'm so close!" She moaned as Reiji stopped abruptly and the [Hair Color] hair vampire felt something warm burst inside her, filling her up. She also felt the tight coil in her stomach burst as she rode out her orgasm.

The two of them slumped down with Reiji still inside of her.

"Rei-nii..." she mumbled out breathlessly.

"I love you..." he gave her a smile at her words.

"I Love You Too."

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