Chapter 3- I smile wider than Jeff and I laugh louder than Jack

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Chapter three- I smile wider than Jeff and I laugh louder than Jack

*1 year later*
Kelly's p.o.v.
I can still remember that day. I should of said no. I should of ran away. Even if it killed me because I honestly don't fucking care. Being dead would be better than this. I remember like it was yesterday.

Ok And one last question.... Do you wanna make a deal with me?

I sit there for a few minutes contemplating my options. "I don't fucking care just get me home I don't want to be here, I'll do whatever it takes I just wanna get out of this hell hole."
~end of flashback~

And just like that I sold my soul to the devil.

Its been a year since I found out I'm different from other people, instead of helping people I hurt people. Even if I tried it wouldn't work see ever since that day I had been cursed, actually ever since I met Jeff.

For some reason when I met Jeff it sparked something like a firework getting ready to ignite, when I met him my violent side came out into the light and I realized I was enjoying seeing him in pain when I defended myself, but never thought any thing of it because I was panicking.

See I'm not all human I'm half proxy if that makes any since. My mother is a proxy and is simply hiding away in the mental institute. I don't know about my father but I have a feeling he wasn't all human. My friend Elise is Ben's long lost lover, before he got drowned. I guess he has been searching for her but could never find her. She is now a proxy and loves what she does ironically,I mean, one of the nicest people I know having fun on a killing spree... They weren't lying when they said looks can be deceiving.

I mean if you had seen me you wouldn't think I'm a stone cold killer, I mean come on I had long blond hair, and bright blue eyes with a cheeky smile.
Now my hair is more of a platinum blond, my eyes are grey with a shit load of black eye liner, and I rarely smile any more. Unless I'm with my victims then I smile wider than Jeff and laugh louder than Jack.

It's just something about the crimson red and the terror in there eyes, or maybe its the power I felt when they would beg for they're life.

I'm a abomination to god. And hell don't want me. So I'm stuck in the middle with Slenderman and the other proxies.

I wish I could go back though. Even if I enjoy what I do I'll never be the same, I'll never have a normal life. But that's okay cuz it doesn't matter any way. No matter how much I wish it will never happened. That's just the way things are.


"Kelly!" Elise screams while I'm sleeping. "Slenderman wants you!"
I sigh to tired to yell back at Elise or even fight with her, I know that it's time to go to "work".
I get up and throw on some grey sweat pants and a random T-shirt off the ground not caring what color it was or if it blood had been on it. I slip on my bunny slippers and slowly move towards the door. I walk into the hallway being greeted sally with a huge smile on her face.

"Do you wanna play with me today Kelly?" She says in a cute high pitched voice

"Not right now Sally, Slendy needs me for something maybe after OK?"

"Okay Kelly! But don't forget please!"

I have grown to love sally as my own, its weird really because I don't really like anyone anymore I just tolerate them because off rules. Its been 2 months since my oath to slenderman and it has been the worst and the yet the best 2 years ever. What I did hate was the endless pain at night, or the guilt I felt when I made my first kill. What I love the fact that Elsie is here with me and always listens to me then I need and the high I get when I plunge a knife in someone's chest, or my favorite, dissecting them while they are alive and watching. I know I sound sick but I cant help it, killing is in my blood.

I walk into the front room and sit on the couch, waiting for slenderman to come in and evaluate his "favorite" proxy and as planed he did.

"Kelly how did you sleep?" Slendy asked

"Just fine, what do you want." I'm still a little upset with the oath situation and I don't care if he knows it.

"You better watch your tone or you wont kill for 3 weeks, when was your last kill?"

I roll my eyes " maybe 4 and ½ days I don't know ask Jeff he is always on my ass about killing."

"You need to go out and look around before we leave I don't want you going crazy"

"Wait were leaving? Where are we going?" I asked in shock, I've never been anywhere outside of Hutchinson, Kansas.

"We are going to Idaho, every few months we leave to somewhere new and most of the time we split up into groups in one state. As soon as you made the deal we left within a week. Then when it was your time to for fill your oath we came back and trained you till we thought you were ready. I think you are."

I stand there shocked, thrilled, energized, and most of all pissed. Why you maybe wondering why I am pissed, well this was never apart of the deal or the plan. I don't wanna leave my home.

"Don't be upset I can tell on your face you are mad. We have to do this in order to make sure no one finds us,we cant have too many murders happening. We may have an advantage above humans but were not god we can be caught after too long"

I convince my body to nod my head and hold in all my anger and confusion. I'm going to kill everyone in this town just to prove a point. I walk past slendy and go straight to my room and get my clothes so I can leave. I dont hear anything or anyone all I see is red, I can feel the heat from my rage building up. I go to the bathroom and put on my clothes and brush out my hair. Its gonna be a wild night

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2017 ⏰

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