Chapter 10

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Mrs. Cho reminded Jihye to pack her bags and get the other bag which was filled with outfits for the Bangtan's photoshoot in the country as it was their last day in Norway.

Before heading back to the hotel for a last sleep to return to the airport, the boys and a few stylists strolled towards an ice cream stall.

"Thank you", her face lit up as she grabbed her ice cream from the vendor. She gave another bow and walked away with a huge smile.

"Look at this ice cream!" She squealed, amazed at the quantity.
Jimin and Rapmonster chuckled at her reaction and J-Hope patted her head lightly with a smile on his face.

Jungkook stared at his stylist and his group mates, 'what's with them, not close with stylists my ass. Hyungs are all the same'.

Everything seemed off for Jungkook as the members were close to Jihye all of a sudden. Including his Suga hyung who preferred to sleep than to go out for an ice cream walk.

The view in front of them was a fountain and Jihye skipped carefully, trying not to trip and drop her ice cream.

Gina and Mrs. Cho joined Jihye at the fountain and the boys walked the other direction to do some final shopping.

"You're weird. Why are you so close with the boys?" Gina said out loud enough for Jihye to hear.

Their leader chuckled at her, "well you cannot blame it. They are literally in the same age group so they would obviously get along quickly"

With that, Gina sighed and stared at her from head to toe. "I might have said something offensive the past few weeks so I apologize for my behaviour as a senior and since we would be travelling around and working together. Let's start again and be friends"

"I would like that"

The night ended, everyone was back at the airport again, Jihye grabbed onto her jacket and bit her inner cheeks. "Did you get any medicine?" Mrs. Cho asked.

Jihye shook her head and frowned. "I will try to sleep before the plane lifts off" she crossed her fingers under the jacket.

Just then Jimin walked towards her with a plastic bag.
"What's this?" She questioned, pointing at the bag in his hand.

"Your medication" he smiled as she took it from him.

"Are you alright at the back? It seems like the more turbulence is felt at the back. Want to switch places with me in the front?" He asked and Jihye turned around.
Jungkook was staring at her, lasers coming from his eyes.

She quickly shook her head, not wanting to sit near the maknae.

"You can exchange with manager hyung then, I'll sit next to the window and you'll be on the aisle, next to me and I can look after you" Jimin said and smiled at her, not allowing her to object.

As soon as she got on, following Jimin she looked at the person sitting behind her. Jungkook and Taehyung. She smiled at both but only Taehyung returned with a sleepy smile. Jungkook stared straight at the screen in front of him.

Taking her seat, she grabbed the seat belt and put it on. If only she knew she was afraid of flying, she would have skipped these trips.

Jimin called the air hostess as soon as he sat, Jihye closed her eyes as she tried to calm down.

"Can I get a bottle of water please" he asked and the air hostess walked off to get his water.

A minute later, she returned with a bottle and he thanked her. Waiting for her to leave, he placed it on the next seat which was on Jihye's seat.

"For you to have your medicine later" he whispered at her.

She gave him a slight nod and stared at the bottle in the hand before placing it next to her again.

The plane began to move and Jihye pushed the water bottle towards Jimin and pulled out the plastic bag that Jimin got.

"Open?" He asked, already opening it without waiting for her answer.

Taking in the medications, her eyes closed tight and she let out a long sigh. "Hate medicines" she mumbled.

She turned to him and showed him the bottle, "do you need water to have medicine for your tummy?" She asked and he chuckled lowly.

"I'm alright"

Listening to each and every conversation that was exchanged in front of him, he glared at the seat that was in front of him.

"Stupid girl" he glared one last time before deciding to ignore her existence.
"Hope she will sleep well with the medicine. Her panic attacks are real bad" Jin said from behind.

He turned back at the dancing machine, confused at his words.

Taehyung who was beside him nodded, "It's going to make her drowsy and she will sleep in a while. Hope it helps her"

Confusion hit him like a truck.

"What panic attack are you talking about?" He asked Taehyung who looked at him with a wide smile.

"Why do you want to know?" He teased before frowning again.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and quickly placed a sleeping mask over his eyes and earphones on.

Suga looked at the maknae and then at J-Hope, "the maknae is being a dick"

"It's going to take a while. Our maknae is not a dick, he got one but ain't one" he covered his mouth to laugh silently at himself.

Suga sighed, "let's get some rest for now so that we can take care of her once we reach" he made sure that the maknae in front heard his words but J-Hope shook his head, mouthing about the earphones in his ears.

Jimin watched the stylist next to him starting to dose off and he became thankful for the pills that he bought before boarding the plane. Just then the lights went off and he felt the plane begin to ascend into the sky.

After the short flight, it began to descend and the light to tell the passengers that it is safe to unbuckle their belts were displayed but Jimin waited for the landing to wake her up.

He awkwardly turned his head to see the maknae busy packing his things, "What do you want?" Taehyung asked and poked his head. Jimin hissed at the male and looked out the window.

"Jihye-ah, we have to get off the plane now", he whispered and shook her lightly.

"Wake up", Jin said softly next to her ears.

The boys looked at each other, worried. "Was the medication too strong? She can't seem to wake up" Rapmonster said and stared at the bottle.

"Come on. We have to get off, hyungs are waiting for us outside and they have to quarantine the place" Rapmonster carried his bag on one side and reached out for Jimins. Just then a bag appeared in front of him, the owner placing it in his hand and took a step forward in front of Jihye.

He bent down and grabbed her legs and Jimin quickly helped with her arms to place it over his chest.

"Let's go" the maknae said softly, trying not to wake the female up as he piggybacked her.

The rest smiled at his actions and fist pumped the air. Suga waited for Jimin and walked out with him with a small smile.

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