Chapter 12

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It's been fifteen minutes since the solo shoot and Jihye just took five out of twenty good shots. "Please co-operate, Jungkook-ssi", she sighed at his bipolar disorder. Changing from hyperactive to being like Suga, lazing on the ground.

"Jihye-ah", the manager called out to her, she frowned at Jungkook before turning to smile at the manager.
"Ten more shots left", she waved the camera in front and watched him walk away.

She quickly turned to the idol and frowned at him lying on the ground.
"I have no other choice", she got up from her spot and leaned over him with a camera focusing on him.

"What are you doing?", he asked and she gave him a small nod and pressed on the shutter button, taking multiple shots.
Jungkook felt his cheeks getting hot and quickly sat up, hitting the camera in the process.

Jihye froze at the scene and covered her mouth to muffle her laugh. "Are you alright?", her eyes disappeared as she laughed out loud, staring at Jungkook as her laughter died.

"I'm sorry", she apologized and quickly took another snapshot.
Jungkook quickly rolled his eyes and pushed the camera away before pulling his phone out to have a look at his red forehead.

She smiled again and slumped on the ground next to him. She looked at the pictures she took and showed it to him. "Will your fans be satisfied with my work?", she asked and he turned to look at the small screen.

Jungkook leaned closer and Jihye felt her heart skip a beat. She held her breathe and turned away from him, placing the camera on his hand.

Placing her hand on her chest, she felt her heart race and she tried to calm herself by thinking of food.
'Food, lunch is coming up. I'm getting hungry'

Everyone gathered under the tent, Jimin gestured Jihye to join and he continued to stare at the variety of food placed on the table. "This looks delicious", Jimin said and turned to Jihye who was staring at the food as well. "Do we have to wait for the rest to finish?", she looked at him, waiting for his reply only to get a pout and a nod.

Just few minutes of waiting, the idols began grabbing food on their plates while the staff waited for their turn as the cameras were being collected by the managers.

Mrs. Cho uncovered the other table and Jihye's mouth dropped at the amount of food they prepared. "Wow", that was the only word that came out and Gina chuckled, patting her back and pulled her to the table to get started since they had to continue the shoot after a break.

The night arrived and everyone was back in their room after they called it a day except Jihye. She sighed at her sleeping time and blamed it on her late noticed phobia. "This is so stupid", she began to talk to herself as she walked by the hallway, down to the pool area.

She sat by the pool and dipped her legs in the water, staring at the bright stars. "Sweden...Sweden", she sang softly in a random tune and then stared at her reflection. The water was still until someone dipped sat next to her, placing his feet in the water as well. Without looking at the owner of the feet she smiled, "bloated stomach again?".

Jimin laughed at her question and quickly shook his head, "couldn't sleep and saw you by the pool. So here I am", he stretched his arms and looked at her with a soft smile, "You?".

"My brain is not letting me sleep", she let out a frown and kicked her legs by the water.

"I told you he's not a bad guy. I was right, wasn't I", he rested his head by his palm and continued to tease Jihye. She shrugged her shoulders, "Is he this weird?" she asked him and he looked at her, waiting for her to continue.

"He tells me that he wouldn't want to waste his energy on something worthless and then he is always approaching me. And I am not boasting this", she crossed her arms as she thought hard on his words back in Norway.

"Am I worthless?", she asked Jimin who just smiled at her.

"No one is worthless. Everyone has their worth in this society"

From a distance, footsteps were heard and both of them froze at the sound and goosebumps rose on Jihye's skin and Jimin looked around to check if there was anyone around. He chuckled and turned to her, "it must be the workers doing midnight room services"

He turned to look at her and continued, "If one day you feel worthless or someone makes you feel that way, just remember that you are priceless to another."

Jihye stared straight at his eyes and tried to smile the tears away. "Why do I always make you cry when we're together", he chuckled and pulled her into a hug to soothe her. She pulled away and smiled at him, "thank you".

"Should I trust you?", she asked the idol as she wiped the tears by her eyes. As soon as he gave a nod, she took a deep breathe and began to let out her worries and all he did was listen to her problems and he nodded along with her.

He bit his lips to prevent himself from smiling too much as she continued to talk about her frustrations and her feelings.

After letting it all out, she let out a breath of relief and glanced at Jimin before looking at the waters in front of her.

"You won't tell him, right? You said I could trust you", she got her legs out of the water and hugged it.

"I promise you" he whispered with a smile and she put her pinky out for a pinky promise and he chuckled at it.

After a few chat, Jimin stood up and waited for Jihye to get up and made their way to their own rooms. On their way back, Jungkook was seen seated by the lobby and Jihye nudged the idol beside her to alert him about his group mate. "I'll see you later", Jimin ruffled her hair and watched her leave before making his way to the maknae.

"Can't sleep?", he asked and the maknae looked up at the ceiling and groaned with frustration. There was a moment of silence before he opened up to his favorite hyung.

"Hyung", his voice was soft, about to crack.

The 95-liner stared at him, "I made her feel worthless, didn't I?". Hearing the maknae, his eyes widen at the sudden thought and shook his head. "She won't feel worthless because of what a certain someone said", he tried to hint the maknae.

"But can I tell you something?" Jungkook asked and Jimin sighed internally but gave him a nod.

'Here we go again'

"What do you think?", Jungkook asked again and bit his nails.

"Just don't think about it. Keep this in mind: She doesn't hate you anymore" Jimin pulled Jungkook up and dragged him to their shared room.

"Of course she doesn't. No one can hate me", the confident maknae returned and the other male let out a hearty laugh.

"No one dares to hate Kookie because ChimChim is here"

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