Chapter 18

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It was silent as soon as the boys left for their concert. There wasn't any monitor in the waiting room like in the music shows so Jihye just lay on the sofa, replaying the scene that happened a while ago. His bare top body appeared in her head and she quickly shook it away. "Come on, let's get some refreshments before they come back", Gina pulled her up grinning at Jihye's expression.

That moment came later and a rush hit the room, stylists keeping the hair and clothes in check. "Hurry up guys", a voice called and Jihye quickly fixed Jimin's collar and fringes before giving him a slight pat as a sign to go. He flashed a small smile and pinched her cheeks as he turned on his heels to leave.

Jungkook walked pass, brushing against her arms without turning back to her. She stared at his back and then the rest left again. It was quiet again. But not for too long.

Concert Day 1 ended.

Jhope's voice echoed in the room as he cheered at the successful ending of the concert. "Jihye ahhh" he pulled her to join the hype and she chuckled as she stood still. He frowned at her reaction and she sighed before waving her arms in the air. "Yayy" she laughed and spotted the amount of sweat on his forehead.

Grabbing a few tissue from her bag, she tried to wipe his sweat off but failed as he kept moving around. Suga approached and grabbed the tissue from Jihye and shoved it to Jhope's free hand. "Your sweat is dripping to the floor, you'll be sorry if someone slips and fall because of you".

"Is there any medicated oil? I think I injured my wrist while throwing the balls", a voice asked the manager. "Some one is going to end up like Rapmon", Jin exclaimed as he looked thoroughly for the oil. Jimin joined Jihye while he wiped his sweat, careful with his make up. He nudged her as she opened up her make up box to pack everything to leave the venue.

"There were a lot of mistakes made today, I can't tell them since they don't know", he pouted as he sat down, watching Jihye pack. "Do you want to listen to me while you pack? I will feel better if I tell someone", he looked at her with puppy eyes.

Suga laughed as he accidentally eavesdropped while walking to the hangers to get his clothes. "We all knew, but it was still a success since there wasn't any accidents. Don't worry about it".

"And do you think anyone will say no to that face?", Rapmonster commented as he walked by to the changing room. She chuckled and gave a slight nod. "You're the best. This happened..."

"Are you alright?" Jin handed the medicated oil to Jungkook who was rotating his wrists with a painful expression. "Yeah, I should be fine for tomorrow", he thanked the elder for the oil and quickly applied it.

"Don't put too much, and remember to wipe any spillage" Jin massaged his shoulders before leaving to help the stylist noonas. The maknae looked around the room and spotted his hyung and his stylist chatting. A sigh escaped his mouth without his knowledge, 'why does this hurt'. His lips turned into a frown as he massaged his wrist to sooth the pain. It wasn't going anywhere.

As soon as Jimin was done with his concerns, he sat there and smiled at Jihye widely. "I feel so much better now. Are you an angel?" Jihye chuckled as she shook her head. "I'm definitely not an angel compared to you", she said out loud and a pair of clothes were placed on the counter in front of Jimin.

"You better go change now, it's getting late"

Jihye hurried off to pack the rest after Jimin kept her distracted with his stories from the concert that happened a while ago. "I'll be there soon", she called out to Mrs.Cho and closed the box. She ran to the exit as soon as she switched the lights off, afraid of being alone in the dark. She took a detour to the other side of the room as she remembered it being wider with less objects surrounding it.

Before she could reach the door, she felt her feet fly from under her as she landed on the floor hard, her head hitting the floor with a loud thud. The sound of the box alerted Mrs. Cho who was organizing the boxes just outside the waiting room. "Jihye?", she called out and turned to the dark room, waiting for her response was there was none.

"Jihye?", she called again and stopped arranging the boxes. "Are you alright?", she walked to the room and unlocked her phone to use the torch feature.

Her eyes widened at the sight of unconscious Jihye and she quickly called the manager for help, "I need some help... now", her hands shook as she tried to wake her up.

"What's wrong?" the manager walked in the room and looked at Mrs. Cho trying to wake Jihye. He panicked at the sight and rushed over, "What's wrong with her? Is she alright?" he examined her to see if she was hurt. "She's not hurt anywhere I think. I heard the box and called her but she didn't reply. Can you carry her while I get all these to the car", she grabbed the box that was open with all the makeup that she collected from the floor.

"I'll call one of the boys", he pulled his phone out, dialing a number. "You're sure? Aren't there fans that are waiting for the boys? What if---" she became quiet as soon as the call went through and he told the member to come over to help.

While waiting for help, the manager placed everything in the box and carried them over to the vehicle. 

Jimin and Jungkook's voice were heard in the hallway as they chatted on the way to help. "Hyung--" Jimin's voice muted and Jungkook froze on the spot. "Noona---"

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