"Not all scars show...
Not all wounds heal...
Not all illness can be seen...
Not all pain is obvious...
Remember this before passing judgement on another."
The Book of Hetalia Headcanons and Quotes -The Book of Series-
Diversos[COMPLETED] ✔️ 1K Reads ^o^ ✔️ 2K Reads :3 ✔️ 3K Reads ಥ◡ಥ ✔️ 4K Reads (^ω^) ✔️ 5K Reads (ᗒᗨᗕ) ...
Quote 78-America/England/Russia^
"Not all scars show...
Not all wounds heal...
Not all illness can be seen...
Not all pain is obvious...
Remember this before passing judgement on another."