First Day at the DWMA

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Authors note: Hi guys so this short story is kind of a first part to my other book, Kid x Reader lemon Mating Season. Anyway enjoy!

Kid's POV

It was just a normal day at the academy, the new students were coming in and my father stood at the top of the stairs to welcome them. That's when my eyes landed on her. A perfectly symmetrical girl. She wore a navy blue shirt with my father's emblem on it, short shorts with suspenders, long striped socks that came up just an inch from the hem of her shorts, metal tipped boots, elbow length gloves that matched her socks, and plain sunglasses.

I took a peek at her soul and gasped, her soul was a hundred different shades of blue all swirling in a perfect orb. But there was something different about it, some sort of feather like shards around it. "Liz Patty, I said not taking my eyes off her, do you know that girl's name?" "who cares? Liz said, staring in the same direction I was. Look at him. I followed her gaze and noticed a tall boy standing next to the girl I had noticed, How did I not see him? I wondered. The boy didn't look like much, black hair, a white dress shirt and slacks. He was standing so close to the girl it was clear they were partners.

*le time skip*

Maka's POV

I was sitting in class as the students filled in. My eyes landed on an odd pair of partners, a girl with suspenders and sunglasses and a tall boy with a small scar on his face from the corner of his mouth to part way up his cheek.  "what is it Maka?"  Soul asked, noticing me staring at her. "That girl, I said, why would she wear sunglasses inside?" I don't know, he said, but her partner looks cool, wonder where he got the scar. The boy, clearly the weapon, put an arm around his meister and walked to their seats. "they look close, I said, siblings maybe?"

"Maybe they're dating, Tsubaki commented, I'm sorry but I couldn't help but over hear you talking about the new girl." "Oh it's ok, I said, do you know their names Tsubaki?" I know the weapon's name is Shadow, she responded, but as far as the girl's name I have no idea.

Professor Stein gave his usual first day lecture, Soul mumbled complains This isn't cool and stuff like that. When the real lesson actually began I glanced back and noticed the new girl wasn't writing any notes, every other new student was but. She was just staring at the chalkboard with a blank expression, though I couldn't really tell since she was still wearing her sunglasses.

Now class, said Professor Stein, I thought we could have a little competition to asses the new kids skill. Would Name and Blackstar come down with their weapons for our first match? I saw the new girl and her weapon stand up, Shadow wrapped an arm around Name and they walked down the stairs hip to hip. 

Are you sure about this Professor? Blackstar asked, a newbie like this couldn't possibly stand a chance against a big star like me! Name curled her lip. "Shadow, she said, this one's mouthy. Let's put him in his place." Shadow smirked, "with pleasure." Hey! Blackstar yelled, how dare you speak to a big star like me with that attitude!? "Spell attitude!" Name cried, she turned her hands palm up and Shadow morphed into a weapon and landed in her hands.

 I gasped at Shadow's transformation, he was a swallow (two swords connected by the handles) his blades were a beautiful silver, but I noticed one blade had a chink in it. Blackstar glared at her, "Tsubaki enchanted sword mode!" Tsubaki transformed at Blackstar charged, screaming at the top of his lungs. Name deflected the blow easily and held the enchanted sword back with one blade and pulled the other off the swallow separating it into two swords. She swung at Blackstar, hitting him square in the gut. The blade was stopped by his rock abs, but Name sent a wavelength through Shadow and it hit Blackstar sending him into a pillar on the other side of the room.

At first I thought Name had won but Tsubaki's shadow minions raced along the floor and arched into a giant wave in front of Name. 18 43 90! Shadow yelled from in his form. Name diced the wave into a million pieces in a millisecond. That caused a reaction on Tsubaki as she turned back into human form and collapsed.

Blackstar has been defeated! Stein announced, The victory goes to Name and Shadow. Name connected the swords back into a swallow and Shadow morphed back into a human and smiled. Looks like we beat the blue head shorty. Name smiled, "sounds about right. But don't call me shorty."

ha ha! So tell me if you liked this guys!

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