The Seventh One

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Yo! It's me, ze author!

*Dodges several knives and bombs thrown at me*

Okay, okay, I know it's been, what, a few weeks since my last update, but there's no need to get physical! Okay, I have no excuses as to why I haven't updated other than my fanfic addiction... So... Pretty sure that counts. Well, no further dilly dallying, time to read this crack fic I made when I was bored during some family event!


I walked up to a sleek black jet. A wicked smile crossed my face, twisting my features to look sinisterly evil.

"Can I-" I was cut off by the red headed demon from Tartarus.

"No." I pouted.

"Why nooooot?" I complained, stretching out the 'o.'

"You're too young, no licence, I don't trust you, and I always drive," the only female Avenger said, giving me a glare.

"Hmph! I don't even need to ride anyways!" I said, turning into a dove. Thor, the Iron Idiot and I all flew while Bird Brain, Star Spangled and the Demon Spider all flew in the totally awesome jet that I so didn't want to drive anyways.

Being a tiny, tiny dove, I was obviously the last one to appear at the scene, and what I saw kinda shocked me, but then again, I've had the goddess of rainbows offer me a tie-dyed T-shirt when I remembered nothing because the queen goddess decided that the Roman and Greeks needed to work together, instead of, oh, I dunno, formally introducing us and asking us politely to team up and-

No. No spoilers.

Anyways, I saw the Superzeroes fighting some weird robot things. Tall, metal, clinky, cheap. Definitely didn't have the same production value as the Terminator. The robots had small logos on the side that looked like... squids? Hm. I guess evil organization themes are running dry, huh?

I landed on a piece of rubble, and ruffled my feathers as I saw Black Widow shoot a robot several times before it stopped moving. Hawk Breath was, as usual, ripping off Green Arrow by shooting several Metal Disasters with explosive arrows. I squawked as I dodged a chink of smoking metal from a rather large explosion. Seriously, these guys give no craps whatsoever about property damage! (A/N Hypocrite.)

I sighed as I watched Spangles threw his Frisbee around, knowing that I have to actually help or whatever. Man, I hope the mist covers this...

I jumped up, transforming from a small dove into a small me. And daaaammmm, I'm adorable. I stood tall in the costume that seemed strangely Percy-like, even though they met me, like, yesterday, was it? I dunno, I'm horrible with time. Not to mention all of those naps I took. Really off sets my internal clock. And the fact that I've been traveling all around America. Well, I've been skirting Alaska, but that's besides the point. I'm guessing that Thor had some input in my costume... That, or SHIELD is being really stalkerish...

Anyways, so I was standing in my costume. I called forth some water from a nearby fire hydrant, and manipulated it hug around my arm, and made it like a whip, kinda. More will be explained at the A/N at the bottom, because this is taking too long. (A/N Lol, nope. Use your imagination)

I swiped my hand, causing the whip part to slice through several of the cheap, silver 3-CPO's. I sliced through Squid-Bot after Squid-Bot, turning the most likely very expensive fine pieces of machines into nothing more than scrap metal on the sidewalk.

When I was fighting about six at a time (THOSE THINGS SHOT LASERS! I HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE ABLE TO NOT INSTA-KILL THEM EVERY TIME!), the Jolly Green Giant on steroids suddenly stomped on them all while landing, before launching back into the sky towards Hawk Breath, who I suspect might be a child of Apollo with those archery skills, since the Robin Hood Knockoff didn't actually bring any weapons that could be used at short range. Man, I'm still having trouble wrapping my mind around the fact that the sweet little scientist I saw could turn into Engine of Mass Destruction that could plow through these robot things like a knife through butter.

As soon as the fight ended, I was approached by the Red, White and Blue Soldier. He looked kinda shocked, actually. I wonder what made him so confused. Hm... Maybe I said something surprising in all the witty insults I said to the robots? No, they were all amazing, as usual... Oh, a robot managed to get a lucky hit in, and it might've left a bruise. I lifted my hand to my face, checking for anywhere that hurt when I touched. Hm... Nothing.

"What? Do I have something in my hair?" I asked, running my fingers through my raven hair, causing several pieces of rubble and dust to fall out. He stared at me like I was a bearded lady for a second more, before he shook himself out of his stupor. He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off when something metal, idiotic and painted red and gold landed heavily next to him.

"What is with that water trick?" the Iron Giant- I mean, Iron Man asked me very rudely. I blinked. Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.

I rubbed the back of my head, and opened my mouth to say something, but stopped short when a very angry looking Red Headed Demon Spider, a confused mortal version of Cupid (A/N Except twice as kawaii O////O), and a very excited God of Blunder all came up. I sighed.

Yay. I love story time.


A/N You know, this would've been up sooner, but my laptop acted all buggy, and I wrote it all in one go, so absolutely none of it was saved except for the A/N up top.

I hope this slightly longer chapter makes up for the pathetic excuse that was the 6th. Well, goodbye my Crumbs, and see you next month, or longer. Depending on when I feel like updating OWO

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