Twin Bees

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Wow... I haven't updated in a while... Sorry, my fault there guys!

Erm, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, and Merry whatever other holidays there are!

Hope you guys are all doing swell!

Goodbye and good luck!~

Warning: There will be a lot of cursing. Just thought I'd let ya know. Okay, now you may go.


I blinked.

... This motherf-

"... Stark," I said through gritted teeth as I stared at him. He was dressed in his Ironman suit, standing in the middle of camp.

After the Luna girl had walked away, I turned around to go ask Nico about Nargles and Wrackspurts, when I came face to face with Iron Idiot.

"Hey there, Aqualad! I've come to mess up everything!" My left eye twitched. Sometimes I really hated Stark.

"How did you know where I was?" I asked through gritted teeth. I understand how he could've seen the Camp- he could just be clear sighted- but how he knew where I was is another story entirely.

"Oh, I stalked Fury. He wasn't really thorough when he checked here. You guys really hid this place well! Hm. Hey, didn't you mention a camp like this in your long ass explanation about your dark and mysterious past?"

I sighed heavily. I really shouldn't have told the AvengNerds. It got me nothing but handcuffs, a near death experience and an annoying as Hades pain the butt.

"... Follow me, Bronze Butt," I muttered darkly. (A/N AAAAAYE! REFERENCE? Eh? no? mkay ;^;)

I stomped off towards the Big House. My plan, you ask? Very simple: Shove my problems onto Chiron and hope to gods that it doesn't bother me again.

Tony started to walk behind me, his motor mouth going off a thousand miles an hour, chattering about, well, pretty much anything that came to mind. Maybe he had ADHD. Or maybe he was just naturally this annoying. Either way, I want him off my hands as fast as possible.

"-and then there I was, flirting with this smoking hot blonde, when all of a sudden Rogers calls to tell me about a meeting! I mean, seriously! What a c-"

I abruptly turned on my heel to face Stark. I twisted my face into a glare, one of the scariest I could muster, and hissed at him with as much venom as I could muster.

"Stark. You will not say another word, hum another tune, or so much as tap your fingers when we enter this house. You will shut up-" Tony spoke over me.

"Wise up, eyes up, Eliza! My love, take your time. I'll see you on the other side... Raise your glass, to freedom!~" he sang. My eye twitched ferociously, and Stark must've seen that, since he snapped his trap shut with an audible click. I slowly turned back to the direction of the Big House, stalking towards it like a panther stalking it's prey. Well, maybe not a panther. Something way cooler. Like, maybe... A sea horse! Yes, I was a sea horse stalking it's prey!


I apologize for this short, plotless filler. I am kinda at a loss on where to go from here, so... The updates are gonna be kinda slow.

Don't worry, I'm not gonna put it on a hiatus. Just... Don't look forwards to this being updated every week. Probably once a month. Maybe two?

Heh heh... Geez I suck at writing fanfiction...

Feel free to point out all the flaws, plot holes and grammatical errors in ze comments!

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