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- So I hard you guys like updates, so I wrote an updated after I updated that last update. B)

XD No but seriously. Believe it or not guys, I actually started working on this the day after I updated! NEW RECORD!

I decided to change up the scene a little bit, hope ya don't mind!

Well, without further ado, let's get right into this update I made while listening to Three Days Grace


I woke up feeling scared, feeling as if something bad was gonna happen. A sense of dread that made my hands sweat and neck hairs stand up. Paranoia seeped through my veins as I looked around me.

I was in the woods. Trees stood tall and thin, but plentiful enough that I couldn't see any houses or cities past them. They loomed over me, casting me into shadows that seemed to move in the corner of my eye. I couldn't see any branches as they reached desperately towards the sky that harbored no Sun, clouds or color.

A grey light fell over the landscape. A thin mist shifted restlessly through the canopy of trees. Dead leaves carpeted the ground, crunching whenever I shifted my weight.

The thick silence was deafening, feeling like an actual weight that weighed me down to the ground.

I was standing still even as something deep inside of me yelled at me to move. To run. To flee. I breathed in deeply, my eyes flickering around into the deep woods. A sudden movement out of the corner of my eyes caused me to whip around. I licked my lips nervously as my terror filled eyes flicked around faster than before, desperate to find whatever had moved.

A flick of a darker shadow in the darkest shadows. I turned around again, my hand instantly going to my pocket, feeling my familiar pen in my hand.

I stared at the shadow, my hand slowly pulling out Riptide. Suddenly, I heard a laugh.

The laugh sent shivers down my spine and had a cold feeling enter my stomach. It echoed through the woods, bouncing of trees. It belonged to a kid, maybe 6 or 7. My breath caught in my throat as I spun around, attempting desperately to find the source of the laughter.

A crunch of leaves sounded from my left. Snapping my eyes over to the noise, I saw a girl hiding behind a tree.

She had dark black hair, same color, if not darker than, as the raven's meet that crowned my own head. It was matted with something dark and sticky, clunking strands of hair together. Her eyes were hidden behind bangs, which contrasted heavily with her pale skin. This girl was paler than Nico, and that's really saying something. She wore a bright white dress from what little I could see that poked from behind the tree she clung tightly to.

All in all, the girl looked like the Grudge from the Ring, and I don't deal with that schist. I gulped, keeping a firm grasp on Riptide with one hand, while taking out my other hand and waving at her.

"Um... Hi," I said, my voice coated with fear and distrust. I flinched hack slightly as she came out from behind the tree.

Her dress would have been white, but was stained with dark red stains and smears. What looked like a dark red handprint was smeared down the front, as if someone was desperately pleading to be spared.

Dark sticky blood coated her hands, and a few drops even reached her face. A blood covered knife rested firmly in her left hand, clasped in a surprisingly strong grip. She slowly walked towards me with a smile on her face, leaves softly crunching underneath her bare feet.

"Will you play with me?" she asked softly, giggling a little at the end. I yanked out Riptide, ready to uncap it, but my hands were shaking in fear and I'd dropped it in the ground. I got ready to run away.

Wait... Why was I running away? I'm Percy Jackson. I face monsters on a daily basis. I face down gods with no fear. I've seen loved ones come and go. I'm... Afraid of little girls with blood stains and knives.

I turned around, leaves fluttering up behind me, as I forced my trembling legs away from the creepy girl.

I took a few steps away. A scream erupted behind me, a scream so filled with despair and sadness that it almost made me pause. But then I started running harder.

I darted through the trees, staying in one direction as I ran, fully intending on finding a way out of the forest. I risked a glance behind me, and noticed that the screaming girl was gaining speed. I took a deep, shuddering breath, turning back around...

... Only to trip over a root. I fell on my hands and knees, instantly flipping over to see the girl, who stopped screaming. She slowly walked up, a grin still stretched across her face. I cringed, ready to be killed and sent to the Underworld. I screwed my eyes shut, ready to feel the pain before dying.

... Only to feel nothing at all. I twitched my fingers, noticing that they didn't feel the dead leaves. It felt a few degrees warmer than in that freezing cold forest. It smelled like disinfectant and hand sanitizer.

I slowly peeled my eyes open, seeing an infirmary room. Not the familiar one from Camp, run by the Apollo children, but instead a modern, hospital-like one. I blinked in confusion, turning my attention to a heart monitor and other things sitting to my right that beeped and clicked.

My eyes trailed down one that had a tube that led into my arm. I frowned. What even is this?

Pulling it out, I sat up, hissing when I felt a burning pain near my stomach. I looked down, seeing myself shirtless with a bloody bandage wrapped tightly around my stomach. My frown deepened.

I looked down further, noting with a blush that someone has changed my pants into the one pair that I owned. I guess that's a good thing, since the ambrosia Leo gave me was sitting all crumpled slightly. I clenched my hand around a few crumbs, tossing them into my mouth.

I felt my skin heal the burn mark. One of the robots must have got in a lucky shot with it's laser (SERIOUSLY!? LASERS!? The Squid Squad better not be a low class threat with a good budget, otherwise I'm gonna be seriously miffed).

I gently unwrapped the bandage, frowning at the blood that covered it. I sighed, getting up on wobbly legs. Seriously, they felt like Jello. Hm, what kinda Jello flavor would I be... A blue one, definitely. Like blueberry. Do they have blueberry Jello? Well, they do now.

I walked out the hallway, looking around for a bathroom. I stopped an old janitor that was walking by.

"Yes, um, where's the bathroom?" I asked, blushing a little. He smiled at me, understanding that this place was basically a maze.

"Take a left down that hallway, the second door on the right," he informed me. I smiled, relieved.

"Thank you, Mister, uh..." I trailed off, expecting a name.

"Stan Lee," the man said. And there we parted ways. I took a left down the hallway, and ran face first into a tall, muscular blonde who could compete with Nico in the 'Youngest Looking Old Man' Award.


- And there we go! That's the end of this chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed it, and if you did, tell me! Show some love! I need affection! I added a nightmare since I had one like that last night and I decided I needed a filler. Bye, my Crumbs! Love you! -

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