Dine, Dean

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Yep. That's what I'm calling this chapter. owo

Anyways, I'm bored again, and decided: Huh. There's a lot of people who like this??

I'm... Shocked. Like... Seriously... Unbelievable! You guys are amazing! I love you all!

Also: I do not own the video used above, the PJO series, Luna Lovegood nor the Avengers. They belong to Griffinilla, Rick Riordan, J.K. Rowling, and Stan Lee! Respectively, of course.

This chapter is in 3rd POV again! Seems I've been doing that a lot, now... Cool!~

Well, without any further ado, allon-sy!


Iron Man was confused.

He, being the amazing and brilliant man that he was, had traced Fury's tracking device. He had ended up standing outside a strawberry field, decked out in his Iron Man suit since he had been expecting a fight. Needless to say, when he arrived only to see Fury leaving, he didn't exactly know what to do.

Tony, despite what most people may think, was not a complete idiot that overlooked all possibilities. Or, he wasn't when he wanted to be, at least. He pursed his lips, a thoughtful expression coming on his masked face.

"Jarvis, check for underground activity," Tony ordered, eyes scanning over the field in an attempt to find any irregularity. He didn't see any, unless the fruit that looked overly fresh despite the cold weather that was slowly coming around the corner, the signs already showing in the form of coloring leaves and winds that were getting colder and colder with every day.

"...? Of... Course, sir..." Jarvis answered almost hesitantly. Tony blinked in confusion at his confusion, but didn't have a chance to question before Jarvis spoke again. "There are no heartbeats belonging to any humans underneath the ground, sir. I do, however, recommend to look in front of you to find some humans that are very clearly in sight," Jarvis said. Tony furrowed his brow in confusion and looked through the strawberry field again.

"I don't see anyone. Unless he's hiding behind a strawberry bush, Percy ain't out here, Jarvis. You're not glitching out, are you?" Tony asked, not believing that Percy was actually out here.

"... Sir, you should be able to clearly see several teenagers roaming about in a camp. Perhaps it is your own capabilities that are under the weather," Jarvis said, bristling slightly at the casual jibe about his capabilities. Tony didn't seem to notice the second sentence, however.

"What camp? What teenag- Jarvis, what are you seeing? ... I don't know what drugs you're taking, or what drugs you can take, but I am going to have a long talk with you when we go home." Tony's snark was hiding his honest to gods confused. What was Jarvis seeing? Oh god, what if he needed glasses? Katniss would never let him live that down.

"... Sir, perhaps you could lower your face plate," Jarvis suggested, trying to think of a way for Tony to see what he was seeing. Tony pulled a face at being told what to do- by his own AI!- but obediently slid down the face plate. Almost immediately after, he had to hold back a gasp.

"... Okay, I was wrong..."

The coolest summer camp he has ever seen just appeared out of nowhere, along with a few teenagers and kids. Blinking furiously in a desperate attempt to stop and see if what he was seeing was just an after image or something of the like, Tony simply decided to raise his eyebrows and not say anything stupid that could be held against him later. He licked his lips and flicked his eyes over the camp, resting upon a figure that was familiar even from the distance away from camp he was. Percy was covered in glitter, and rolling on the ground.

Eyeing the formidable looking Athena Partheon that stood in a way that seemed to scream "run," Tony briefly toyed with the thought that it might come alive to attack him, before dismissing it with an eye roll. He was taking this way too far.

Sure, the camp might have either some serious magic mojo blocking it from being seen by the naked eye- which explained why he needed his suit- or a cheap cloaking device that only needed to be seen through lenses to actually be seen, but that didn't mean the cool decoration was alive.

Tony walked towards the camp, confidently striding towards Percy with no plan in mind, planning to wing it and not really try.

With that fool proof plan in mind, Tony stalked forwards, fully intent on making up with Percy and telling him about SHIELD. Each foot was put in front of the other in a confident stride, walking forwards almost as graceful as a swan in water. Tony looked awesome!

... Until he slammed- very painfully, might he add- onto an invisible barrier that stood stronger than a wall.



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