Tin Bee Boo

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I'm running out of "clever" pun titles ;-;


"Alright, Stark," I said as we stopped in front of the Big House. I let go of his hand as I reach forward. "Here's the deal-"

The sound of feet crunching on dirt had me whipping around faster than Grover had on Tuesdays. The Tin Can was booking it to Gods know where. I growled in anger. Was I ever this annoying? Gods, I hope not. No wonder everyone wants me dead or worse.

Wait, DAM IT PERCY. Stay on track, you've got a runner!

I took off after Stark, weaving around the cabins as he aimlessly ran around in circles. I don't have time for this!

... Why don't I have time for this? Gods, Percy, you have your whole life ahead of you! Slow down a little, smell the roses, appreciate life aND ZUES' UNDERPANTS STARK JUST TOOK OFF!

Sliding to a stop, and ultimately toppling over, I brought my hand up to my face to keep the sun out of my eyes as I looked up at Stark. I could all but feel the smirk on his smug little face. I clicked my tongue. Even in my pigeon form, I wouldn't be fast enough, or strong enough to catch him. Pushing myself up off the dirt, I figured trying and failing would be better than not trying at all.

"Dam it, Stark! Get back here!" I called out while I still had my vocal cords. When he answered by flying higher, I cursed underneath my breath and took off after him. My small black wings beat as fast as they could beside me, raising me up higher and higher until I was about eye level with Stark, who was watching me with a smug expression. Er, I think it's smug. It's kinda hard to see behind his face plate.

"Hey there, Wet Willy. Weather's nice, isn't it?" his smug voice called from inside his suit. I cawed, or chirped, or whatever sounds pigeons make, at him angrily.

He flew backwards as I flew forwards. Why was he enjoying this? Doesn't he see how annoyed this makes me? Is he laughing? How was this funny!? He is seriously pissing me off!

I chased him fruitlessly as we flew through camp, and even outside of it. A nagging feeling had me considering to stop and go back, but another taunt from Stark had me flapping faster towards him.

"I can keep this up all day, Seaweed Brain!" he snarked. What...? How did he-? My feet turned to stone and my chest tightened. My flaps slowed as I stared at him with wide, tear filled eyes. Soon my flaps weren't enough, and I started plunging downwards. I closed my eyes and felt a weird sensation that I couldn't describe come over my body.

I didn't like the feeling. It felt like I was being squeezed through a straw. My green eyes opened and I found myself inside of Camp again. Quickly turning back into a human, I glanced around, confused. Had I accidentally mist traveled? I haven't done that in quite a few chapters, why would the author suddenly pull that power out of it's box?

"You should be more careful..." My head snapped at the dreamy voice. A familiar blonde was staring at me her wide eyes.

"Hi! Luna! Um... Howzit goin?" She was a daughter of Hecate. Of course she could voodoo me back to Camp.

"I've warned you about the Nargles," Luna said, in an almost chastising tone. I blinked before smiling a little too widely.

"Right! The Nargles. Er, sorry, I've just had a lot on my mind lately. Ya know, with Stark being Stark and all."

"..." I swear this was the most awkward I've ever been. Time to ditch. But I can't be that mean... Politely ditch her then.

"Okay, so, uh, I should probably, um... Go find Stark..." I said as I clumsily got up, a strong sense of vertigo causing me to grip the nearest wall with shaky hands.

"Hurk! Ugh..." I moaned as I drunkenly made my way to the middle of Camp. Which direction did Stark and I go in, again?

Ugh... This is gonna be a long day...



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