Chapter 52

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"You can't..say that, Calum" I said, running a hand through my hair.

"It's true, though" he replied. Suddenly, his hand was on mine, and he grabbed it. I looked up at him.

"Stop" I mumbled.

"Tell me you don't feel anything" he whispered. "And I'll leave you alone."

My eyes fluttered closed and before I could stop myself, his lips were on mine.

I'm not sure what I felt. All I could think about the entire time was Michael. I quickly pulled apart and he looked at me with hope in his eyes.

"I-I have to go" I stuttered, collecting my thoughts.

"Don't go" he said, grabbing my arm.

"I need to."

"I know you felt something" he said. I shoved his arm off of me and rushed out.

What I did was wrong. And I know it.

Michael's P.O.V.

Fuck fuck fuck, she won't pick up the damn phone. It got to her answer machine once again and the mixture of anger and worry boiled inside me. Where is she?

As if on queue, the front door opened. I saw her standing there, pursing her lips in a thin line when she saw me awake.

"Where the hell were you?" I growled. "Did you see Calum?"

"I don't wanna talk about it right now" she said, trying to walk by me. I turned around.

"You saw him, didn't you?" I asked, biting down hard on my lip.

She turned around, sighing. She nodded slowly.

"Are you..are you fucking kidding me?!" I yelled.

"We kissed" she squeaked out. I couldn't believe my ears.

My heart shattered and everything inside me went dead. I couldn't even yell at her. I didn't know what to say.

So I turned around and walked out of the cabin. And she didn't go after me.


I sighed, sitting on the grass of some stranded field I found behind the woods. I couldn't even cry at the moment. It's like I didn't feel anything at all.

It was bad enough that she broke her promise but the fact that she kissed him..she basically cheated on me.

I don't understand why she would do this after I clearly told her not to see him again. I know I don't control her or anything, but she herself promised me she wouldn't.

While I was laying in bed with a broken arm, she was making out with the guy that broke it. And that hurts more than anything.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to forgive her for this. We're constantly back and forth, and we'll never be able to work things out. We always lie to ourselves by saying we can, and we try. But no matter what, something else will always happen that'll cause us to fall apart again.

I fucking love her. I'm so in love with her that I've literally forgotten what life was like without her. She's my everything, and she's the only one I want. The only one I need.

But love isn't always going to turn out to be some dumbass fairytale. This is reality; not a movie. It's hard to accept that and understand that, but that's the truth.

I lay on the field and looked up at the stars, with nothing but emptiness inside of me. I swallowed the lump in my throat, feeling so fucking pathetic. If she hadn't came along in the first place, my life wouldn't be so screwed over like this.

But inside, I know that she truly did change me. She made me into this person I never thought I would be. If I hadn't met her, I more than likely would still be sleeping around and I'd be completely miserable. She screwed my head on straight and even though we can't work things out, I still have that to thank her for.

I really need to talk to her, and I'm hoping she'll find me here. All I need is closure and to help her move out of the cabin, then we can go our separate ways. She'll find a guy who's completely right for her and who she won't make the same mistakes with again like she did with me, and I'll find a girl who's just like me..I guess.

Fuck. I can't imagine myself with another girl.

My heart began to ache as memories of Ashley and I ran through my head. When she would just lay on top of me and giggle at my stupid jokes. When we would watch cheesy ass romantic movies together in sweat pants and cuddle. When I'd think the movie's stupid but it wouldn't matter because I'd be with her. When I'd attack her with kisses.

It was then that I realized there were tears running down my cheeks.

"Fuck" I mumbled, wiping them. "You're so pathetic. Stop. Stop crying." I tried to control my breathing because I didn't want to begin sobbing like some dumbass heartbroken idiot.

But that's what I am, unfortunately.

Ashley's P.O.V.

I hate myself so much. I can't describe it.

My vision was blurry from tears but I continued to drive and look for Michael.

I know what I did was wrong and I know he'll leave me, but I need to know where he is.

Knowing Michael, I'm sure he went to a field of some sort. I found a huge thing of woods and parked by them. I put my hood up, walking through them. It was really dark so it scared me a little bit, but I honestly don't care. I need to find Michael.

I shoved my hands into my pockets. Different animals made noise, and images of Michael's face when I told him about kissing Calum clouded my mind. How could I do this to him?

I hate myself so much. I hate myself to the point where it's actually painful.

The woods seemed to go on for a long time, and I began to lose hope that Michael would somehow be out here.

Suddenly, I saw an opening along with a large field. I walked out onto the field and my heart leaped into my throat when I saw him laying on the field, staring up at the stars. He looked over and saw me, but acted like I wasn't there.

I slowly walked over to where he lay, kicking at the ground. Once I reached him, he avoided my eyes and just stared at the sky with a blank expression.

I lay down next to him a few inches apart, not saying anything. We stayed like this for a while, which was kinda strange, but there's really nothing to say.

Suddenly, I felt his fingers softly touch my hand. He completely grabbed it, intertwining our fingers.

I didn't understand what was going on, but he held onto it. Finally, he broke the silence.

"You know I'm in love with you, right?"

"I-I guess" I stuttered. He held my hand tighter.

"Listen," he started, his voice soft.

"We've been through so much shit together. Somehow, we always end up going back to each other after our fights but this time, that isn't going to happen. I'm in love with you and I know you're in love with me. But it's not going to work out. We can't keep doing this and you know we can't. You and I are too different. We always argue, we always yell at each other. I can't do this anymore, and I know you're tired of it too."

There were tears spilling down my cheeks and he flipped over to face me, wiping them away.

"Please don't cry" he said. I didn't say anything but shook my head, feeling completely broken inside.

He wrapped his arms around me, holding me. I heard the sound of his heart beating because my head rested against his chest.

It took a while for me to calm down, but I eventually stopped crying.

"Stay with me tonight" I said. "Just tonight."

"Okay" he replied.

I stayed in his arms, resting my eyes and wishing he would never let go.

It's over. It's actually over.

(A/N: before you comment asking if this is the last chapter, don't worry, it definitely isn't.)

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