Chapter 54

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Michael's P.O.V.

I sat on Jessica's couch, once again, sipping on some tea. I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"So why exactly are you here again?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I told you..I don't know what to do."

"You can't come running to me about all your problems" she replied, sitting next to me and rubbing my shoulder. I sighed.

"Just tell me what I should do."

"I have something in mind, but..nah."

"What is it? I'll do anything" I said, sitting up in anticipation.

" could always marry her."

I spit out my tea, coughing afterwards.

Marry her?


MARRY her.

"I-I don't know..marry her? I mean, fuck..that's such a huge step..." I trailed off, running a hand through my hair.

"What more can you do? It's either break up or get married. There's not much more you can do."

"But I'll feel like it's forced, and she probably will too. Besides, she probably wouldn't even say yes."

"Do you love her?"

"Of course" I replied.

"Does she love you?"

"Well..I'm sure she does..I don't know.."

"Would you have a problem spending the rest of your life with her?" Jessica pressed on.

I smiled at the thought of waking up next to Ashley every morning, attacking her with kisses.

"I wouldn't mind at all..." I mumbled. "But like I said, I don't know what's running through her mind, and I know she wouldn't say yes."

"You'll never know unless you try" Jessica replied, shrugging.

"But let's say I do try, and she says no. I'll look like a complete idiot, and everything between us would be awkward."

"But let's say you try and she says yes. Then you'll get to be with the one girl you truly love, forever."

My heart jumped at that sentence. But am I really ready for that much commitment?

Being real, Ashley is the only girl who's actually put up with my shit and stayed with me throughout all of it. She's the only one I trust with my life, and I'd even die for her. Fuck, she's my everything.

If only things weren't so complicated.

Ashley's P.O.V.

I sat by a creek, kicking at the water. I don't know what I want anymore and honestly, I'm starting to not care.

I realized a while ago that I should probably explain to Michael that Calum was the one who kissed me, but even if I did it wouldn't make a difference since I didn't stop him.

Now that I'm thinking about everything, I'm just done. I'm done with everything. It's too much pressure and Michael has taken over a large chunk of my life, and I'm not gonna have it anymore. I'm just done with it.

I sighed and looked up at the sky. I love Michael; I truly do. And I know he loves me too, because I see the way he looks at me. But it just isn't gonna work out. We constantly go in circles as though our relationship is this never-ending cycle.

So I guess that settles it. I'll just end things with Michael.

I collected my thoughts and stood up, starting my way back to the cabin. Once I'd gotten there, Michael wasn't home. I sighed in relief; I need to think about what I'm going to say.

Michael's P.O.V.

I nervously walked into a ring store, my palms sweaty. I'm actually doing this. I can't believe I'm actually doing this.

Jessica and I looked at the rings, searching for the perfect one.

"How about this one?" She asked, holding it up.

"I don't know, sure..."

She punched me on the shoulder.

"You need to find the perfect one."

"I don't give a fuck what ring we get, every ring will hold the same value and meaning" I replied.

"That was deep" she said, raising an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes and looked at the other rings.

It took a while, but I finally found one that I liked myself. I could see Ashley wearing it, and it warmed my heart, no matter how fucking stupid that sounds.

So I got the ring, although it costed a fucking fortune, then left. I went back to Jessica's apartment with her, and we rehearsed what I was going to do.

"Okay, so you walk in," she started. "And there's Ashley. You ask her if you can talk for a minute, and you just pour your entire heart into it. Tell her you love her, and you'll never stop loving her. Then get down on one knee and propose. Then boom, wife."

"It's not that easy" I mumbled.

"Just try it, pussy" she replied, smirking. I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat.

"Ashley..I love you s-"

"Not feeling it" she interrupted.

"This is stupid" I said, crossing my arms. "I don't wanna tell you what I'd tell her..that's weird."

"Okay, fine" she gave in with a sigh. "Go do it."

"Okay" I replied, taking a deep breath. "Thank you so much for everything, Jessica."

"No problem, bud" she said, punching me on the shoulder. "Good luck."

I shoved my hands into my pockets and left, a large pit of nervousness forming in my stomach.

I drove to the cabin, and when I got there, Ashley's car was in the driveway. Fuck fuck fuck.

I took a deep breath, wiping my sweaty palms on the side of my jeans. I slowly walked in. She turned to look at me.

Her hair was in a messy bun, and she wore sweatpants along with a loose tank top. I love her so much.

"Um..Ash, I think we should talk.."

"Me too" she replied, turning the tv off. "Sit."

I slowly sat next to her.

"Uh, okay."

"I'm sorry Michael.." She grabbed my hand. "This isn't working. I just think we should end it...for good."


That was unexpected.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, slowly tucking the ring back into my jean pocket.

"Oh..." I trailed off.

"I'm sure you'll find someone someday, and I will too. Don't worry." She gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Yeah" I replied, my voice cracking. Shit, I hope she didn't notice that.

"I'm gonna start packing my stuff, but I'm gonna leave tomorrow, if that's okay.."

"It's fine" I replied, nodding.


That night, Ashley and I lay fairly far apart. I felt like my heart was going to burst at any moment, but truthfully, I was too broken to do anything. It's like everything inside of me fell apart, and it's too drastic for me to show any emotion towards it.

I couldn't even cry. I just lay there emotionless. I fucking hate love. And life. And the world. I hate everything.

I stared up at the ceiling, wishing things were different. If Ashley and I had stayed together in the past, we could probably still be together, and things would work. But it just didn't happen, and I can't go back in time to change it.

Even though Ashley and I are laying in the same bed, I feel like we're so far apart.


(A/N: I want you all to know I read every comment and they mean a lot to me, so thank you so much :)

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