The Nether.

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I sat in the tree I teleported to and stared at the ground. I just killed the town I've worked so hard to protect. I put my head in my hands. What am I gonna do now?

You could go on a ki-


You think I want to do this? Do you think I want to kill you? No, I'm sure I could be doing other things, I'm sure I could live an actual life. But this is my job. Notch sent me to kill you, and if I don't, well, I'm dead.

You're dead anyway so it doesn't matter what you do.

Oh, but it does. Do you think Mojang would like a visit?


Awww come on. I stood and flew away from Mojang and the burning town. Fine, the hard way then.

I groaned and grabbed my head. Stop!

No. I don't think I will.

I fell out of the sky and gripped my head tightly. The pain was worse than normal, and it seemed to spread through my body.

You know, I really hate it when you fight. It makes my job alot harder. All you have to do is fly to Mojang, I'll take care of the rest.

No! I'm not letting you force me to hurt anymore people.

Who said I was going to make you hurt them?

I finally gave in to the pain and agreed to fly to Mojang. I didn't land outside the building, but I stayed hidden in the woods. Happy?

Not yet. "Theirs still a few things I need to take care of." Entity said as he teleported before me.

I tried to lunge at him, but failed to do so. He still had the ability to control me and stopped my attacks. "What are you doing here?" I heard a fimiliar voice ask. "I thought you said you were alone?"

Entity turned around and over his shoulder I saw Notch staring at us in shock. "I was, but I figured you wanted to know who was responsible for the attack on the town yesterday."

Notch stared at me. "Brine? You attacked them? I thought you were trying to protect......why would you hurt them?"

I started to speak, but Entity interrupted me. "He's too dangerous to be allowed into your great world of Minecraft. I think you should kill him."

"No! I had no control over my actions! I coul-" I was muffled by a gag that Entity had formed over my mouth. I continued to protest, even if no one could understand what I said.

"Notch, look at him, he's delusional he doesn't know what he's talking about." Entity said with a smile.

Notch looked from me to Entity and back again. He shook his head. "I'm not gonna kill him. No one deserves to die." His eyes rested on me for a long moment.

Jeb had walked up behind him with Ben. "What the? Brine? What are you doing here." Ben asked looking at me. "And why are you here?" He hissed at Entity who didn't even flinch.

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