The Glitch Begins

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I must have dozed off at some point because I was woken up by Regium. "Lilium? What are you doing with Hero? I thought you were playing with the skeletons."

Lilium yawned and looked over at her sister. "I was, but I decided to see if Hero was up yet. Then we started talking and fell asleep."

I sat up and smiled at the two girls. "Did you need something Regium?"

She shook her head. "No, I was just looking for her." Regium said jumping up on my bed. "Couldn't find her, so I came here and you two were sleeping! It was kinda cute to be honest." She said smerking at Lilium.

"Regium! I was tired!" Lilium protested blushing slightly. "I'm sure if you were tired you would've fallen asleep to."

"Yah, in my own bed." Regium taunted.

"Ok, that's enough girls. No need to fight." I said trying to hold back my laughter.

Lilium's eyes lit up. "Hero, can you tell us now?"

"Tell us what?" Regium asked looking at me and her sister.

"Hero said he'd tell us about him and Steve." Lilium said excitedly.

"You two still want to know? Are you sure?" They nodded and I sighed. It hurt a little to remember everything I went through for that trator, but I did promise. "Ok, so what do you want to know?"

"Who is Steve?" Regium asked. "Well, I know who he is, but who is he in your eyes?"

I heaitated for a moment. "I see Steve as a trator. I once thought of him as family, but not anymore." I answered looking away. This is gonna be a long explination.

"Why?" Lilium asked.

I sighed and looked at her. They both had curiosity in their eyes. "Before I came to the Nether, I helped Steve protect a small town. We fought together against everything and anything that threatened it." I explained. "Well, except one thing. The only thing neather of us could stop..."

"What?" Regium asked, no longer able to hide her curiosity.

"Me." The stared at me in surprise.

"You? What did you do wrong? You seem like you wouldn't do anything to hurt innocents." Regium said after a moment. Lilium stayed silent and looked at me with intrest.

"I wouldn't, but Entity made me. Steve and I were returning home when we found Entity in our house. He attacked me and I told Steve to run." I could see a hint of fear in the girls expressions. I sighed and continued. "I remember waking up and leaving the house, Steve tried to stop me but I told him I couldn't. He got mad and walked away. The next morning Entity took over my actions, my thoughts, everything. I couldn't stop him no matter how hard I tried. All I could do was watch as everything I ever had burned to the ground. Everyone dead, dying or hurt. Steve had left me alone, causing me to let Entity take that whole town burned....and I didn't stop him. I guess part of me wanted him dead to...." I sighed and looked away. Both girls looked at me in horror.

"Y-you killed them? Without mercy?" Regium asked, her voice shaking. I nodded, still not looking at them.

"Steve left you thinking you didn't care, but all you were trying to do was save him? Them? Everything." Lilium commented. I nodded again and tried to hold back my tears. Oh god. Why does it hurt so bad to remember? Why can't I just get over it?

"So.....why did he leave you?"

"Like Lilium said, he thought I didn't care, that I never thought of him as my brother. He saw me as the enemy, so that's what I became. To him, and everyone else. I'm just a monster..." I felt warm tears falling down my face.

"Lava? Wow, he really is the king of the Nether!" Regium exclaimed looking at me.

I looked at her. "What are you talking about?"

"You're tears, they're made of lava!"

I wiped my hand across my cheek and looked down. she's right, I'm crying lava... I shook my head and wiped my hand on my shirt.

We sat in silence before they spoke up. "Hero, before all that happened, what were you like?" Lilium asked.

"Well, that depends on who you ask. Steve thought I was his brother, Notch thought I was a mistake he could change, the others thought I was a hero..."

"I'm asking you. Who did you think you were?"

I looked down at her. "I thought I was nothing. I thought I was better of dead." I answered. "Maybe the world would be better if I was." I said looking away.

All at once I got a pounding headache. I winced and grabbed my head. "Hero, Hero what's happening? What's wrong with your hands?" Regium asked, fear lacing her voice.

I opened my eyes and looked at my hands. Parts of them were slightly separated from the rest. Other parts just dissapeared all together. What the?

Hello, glitch.

Who? Wait, Notch? How did....

Please, I've always been able to do this. I am a god after all.

You're no god!

And you're no hero. No, now you're what you always have been. A mistake, a glitch, an error. One that cannot be fixed easily. Now everyone can see you as you were ment to be seen, broken.

I grabbed my head and growled. I'm not broken, I'm not a mistake, I'm Not. A. Glitch!

You are now.

"H-hero? Hero are you ok?" Regium asked.

I looked at her and sighed. My head stopped pounding and I dropped my hands. I leaned back on the wall and shut my eyes. "I'm fine."

"No you're not!" Lilium exclaimed. "What happened? Why are doing that?"

I looked down and realized the glitch was starting to slowly spread. "It's nothing. I-I'm just a glitch..."


And the glitch begins! Ok, so staring tonight I have to go to bed at like 8 ish cuz I have to wake up early, so I'll be posting around like 6:00 p.m. insted of like 9-10:00 p.m. like I have been. Also, the ask / dare book will still go up everyday, but at around like 4:00 p.m. cuz you know, education and stuff....

But anyway, if you did just enjoy that, then hit the vote button and keep your eyes peeled for the next chapter. I'm J and I'll talk to you later peepz. BBBIIIIII!

Hero:....I'm gonna be so board all freaken year aren't I?

No, just for like 7hrs a day 5 days a week!

Hero: *rolls eyes* lovely, until next time mortals.

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