Three days remaining...
"I S-SAI-ID NO-O!" I shouted slamming my hand on the desk. "We-e can't w-wa-a-it-t K-kile-e-y."
"Sir, we don't have enough people to bring him down. It's just illogical. I mean, with you glitching out this badly, and half of our army gone, we have no chance of stopping him." Kiley said trying to convince me.
"Yo-o-u don't g-g-et it do-o you?" I asked as errors floated around me. "I ca-an-'t wait. If I d-d-o....well, th-e-en we re-e-al-l-ly don't ha-ave a chan-n-nce."
She sighed and looked at me with sorrow. "No, I don't understand, I really don't. But carrying out your plan would be suicide for you and everyone else involved."
I glaired at her and glitched a little. "I-I'm getting re-emov-ved w-wha-at does it-t matt-te-er if I die-e?"
She stared at me in shock. "Of corse it matters. You're our king..."
"I'M A MIS-SS-TAK-KE! A VAR-R-IABLE THAT SHO-U-ULD-DN-N'T HA-A-VE BEEN ADD-E-ED! WHO W-W-OU-LD-LD E-E-EVEN-N-N CARE IF I-I-I WAS RE-E-MOV-V-ED? WHY WO-O-ULD-D THEY?" I asked walking to the window and leaning on the frame.
"We would care." I heard a small voice reply. I turned around and saw Regium and Lilium standing in the doorway. "We would care alot." Regium said tearing up a little.
"I'm glad you were added....if you weren't, we'd be dead." Lilium said looking at me.
I scoffed. "No-o, if I wasn't add-d-ed, yo-o-u'd be with your mo-t-the-r-r, in your castle, sa-f-fe. Not in this mess-s. If I wasn't add-d-ed to thi-i-s 'test', Entity wouldn't have been created, and I wo-o-uld-d-dn't ha-a-ve to do-o this. This who-o-le mess is my fa-u-ult."
"None of this is your fault Hero, you didn't ask for this, you didn't ask to be who you are now. But I'm glad you are." Regium said. I looked away and felt something grab my legs. I looked down and saw the two girls hugging me.
I sighed and walked out of the room, leaving the two girls heartbroken, watching me leave "Hero?" I didn't answer them, and continued walking away.
"Hero please, don't leave us...we need you." Lilium cried following me. I sommoned my sword and put it in a sheath on my side. I kept walking, trying to ignore the two girls following me. "Don't leave us like she did. Don't leave us alone like mom. Please, please Hero."
They continued begging, but I didn't stop, I couldn't. If I stopped, I wouldn't be able to continue. I stood in front of the end portal and looked behind me. Both girls were just staring at me with tears in their eyes. "Goodbye." I said before jumping into the portal, most likely to my death.
Two days remaining...
I sighed as I felt ground beneath my feet again. Almost immediately, I ran through the halls of the castle. My plan? Simple, end Entity. Is it suicide? Probably. Should I be doing it alone? Definitely not. Do I have to? Absolutely. Will I die? If all goes well, then yes.
"What do you mean he's not in the Nether?" I heard Entity growl as I passed by the throne room, I turned invisable and slowly snuck in through the open doors. I flew onto one of the beams so no one would bump into me.
"I mean what I said sir, he's no longer in the Nether." A blaze replyed. His red eyes glowing angrly.
"Then where is he?" Entity growled, his face inches from the blaze.
"No clue sir, it's like he just....vanished."
"Well, then find him. If he manages to find me before tomorrow, then my plans are doomed!"
Herobrine, The True Evil Being?
FanficI've heard stories claiming that an evil man by the name of Herobrine haunts the world of Minecraft, but does he really? I know what your thinking, of corse Herobrine hunts us, he has for years, but what if he hasn't? What if we've got the wrong man...