Chapter 1

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Erin lives in El Paso, Texas with her dad. She has a big dog and a puppy, and she's a huge fan of One Direction. One day, her dad takes the two dogs to the vet, leaving Erin home alone. She's singing along to One Direction tunes when she hears a knock on the door. She pauses her music and heads to the door. When she opens it, she starts to fangirl internally. Her celebrity crush, Harry Styles, is standing outside. She lets him in, and he shuts the door behind him. They get to know each other; soon, there's a second knock on the door. Erin gets up and answers it. This time, it's Niall Horan. As he walks in, she wonders if she's dreaming. Niall joins in the conversation, and he and Harry start asking her lots of questions. They get interrupted by two more knocks on the door. Apologizing to Harry and Niall, Erin gets up and answers the door. Louis and Liam greet her, and they head inside. As the four lads chill, Erin is left wondering; what's going on? Once Erin sits back down, the boys ask her even more questions. Just as Erin's getting comfortable, there's yet another knock on the door. She grumbles a little as she answers it for hopefully the last time. She's not even surprised to find Zayn waiting. He heads inside, and he and the other boys head upstairs. Liam stays behind, and he and Erin talk about her life. As they're talking, she starts obsessing about the situation at hand. Why is the biggest boy band in the world in her house? Why do they want to know about her? Are they planning something? After a while, Liam heads upstairs. He tells Erin to wait for him to come back, and she sits down. Five minutes later, Liam comes back and tells her to come with him. They go up to her bedroom, and Liam opens the door for her. When they enter, Erin is blown away. There's a mural, posters, and words on her walls, and she thinks it's beautiful. The last thing she notices is a sign.

You and a friend get to go to one of our concerts in San Diego, California! it reads. She asks the five boys why her; they reply that based on some of her posts, they feel like she deserves the opportunity. They then ask her who she would like to bring with her. After some thinking, she decides to take her dad. She hears the door open, which means her dad and the dogs are back. Erin has no idea how to explain this to him. Her dogs find her and begin growling at the boys. Erin tells them to stop, and her puppy walks up to Niall and sniffs him. Niall passes the puppy's test, and he starts loving on the Irish lad. The big dog goes to Harry, and they begin to form a bond. Erin's dad calls for her, and she walks out of the room to find him. He wants to know what's going on, and she tells him the truth. He wants to see for himself, so he follows Erin back to her room. He looks at each of the guys, and Liam and Harry take her dad out of the room to talk. Once they're gone, Louis, Zayn, and Niall begin playing with Erin's hair. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees her scrapbook. Niall sees it, too, and reaches for it. Erin tells him to leave it where it is, but he doesn't listen. He looks through it and shows Zayn and Louis some of the pictures. Erin is embarrassed and is glad when they set the scrapbook down. The lads want to know what her favorite song is, and she replies "Story of My Life". They talk some more and have a blast.

Meanwhile, Harry, Liam, and Erin's dad are talking in the kitchen. The topic? Erin herself. Based on Harry's body language, Liam has come to the conclusion that he has a crush on Erin. After the two men explain to her dad why they're in the house, Harry lets slip that he thinks that Erin's very pretty. The dad looks at Harry for a few moments, and Liam gets an idea. He tells Erin's dad that after the audience has gone home from the San Diego concert, Harry would ask her out. Harry and the dad agree to this plan, and they decide to keep it between the three of them. Just when they head into the living room, Erin and Zayn meet them there. Erin's dad tells them that he's going with her to San Diego, and Erin tells him that she was thinking the exact same thing. Zayn concocts an idea, and he has Liam and Harry follow him back to Erin's bedroom. When all of the lads are present, Zayn suggests that before "Story of My Life", they tell the story of how they met Erin. Louis adds that it would be cool if a video be made to go with the story. The guys agree, and they head back to the living room. Erin's gone to take the dogs out on a walk, so it's just her dad they see. The boys tell Erin's father the plan, and he suggests that they show a video of Erin growing up. They elaborate on the idea for a little bit, then they exchange phone numbers and email addresses so that they can hammer this out further. Once this is done, the five lads tell Erin's dad goodbye. Just as Harry's getting ready to leave, the dad pulls him aside. Without saying a word, he grabs paper and pencil and writes down Erin's phone number. He hands this information to Harry. Harry looks confused, so the father tells him that he thinks that he should be able to talk to Erin between now and the concert. Harry thanks her dad, then he walks back to his friends, who are waiting outside. On their way back to their ride, the boys and Erin bump into each other. They say goodbye to each other, then part ways. When Erin comes home, her dad tells her to check her phone. Curious, she pulls her phone out of her pocket and sits on the couch. When she sees who she got a text from, she bolts to her bedroom, nearly slams the door behind her, and begins fangirling. Once she's composed herself, she reads the text from Harry.

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