Chapter 2

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The next morning, Erin's phone buzzes, waking Erin up. Groaning, she sits up to see who's texted her. It's Harry; this ends Erin's groaning.

we're planning @ being @ ur house by 11 to begin filming. Niall said he's going 2 call ur dad 2 ask if he can play cameraman. see u soon!

She looks at her phone and sees that it's nine A.M. She begins freaking out, and she rummages through her closet to find something to wear. Her dad knocks on the door, and she lets him in. He helps her find something to wear, then tells her that she's going to be alright. He leaves the room so that Erin can get dressed. She puts on a white long sleeve shirt, a dark green scarf, blue jeans, and black boots. She puts on makeup while Night Changes plays on her phone, and she begins singing along to it. She doesn't notice Harry in her room until he begins singing with her. She pauses the song and quickly puts the final touches on. She then turns to look at Harry.

"You look absolutely beautiful, Erin," he says.

"Thank you," she quietly replies. He gives her a bear hug, then grabs her hand to take her to the living room. When the two of them get there, they grab seats.

"So, what are you guys wanting me to do?" Erin's dad asks.

"We're going to sing 'Story of My Life'. Erin's going to sing with us, and your job is to film everything that happens," Liam replies.

"Where are we filming this?" Erin asks.

"We're dividing the song into three parts. The first part will be filmed here; the second part will be filmed at Scenic Drive; and the final part will be filmed at a ranch," Louis answers.

"For this part, Erin will sing Harry's solo in the chorus, and we'll join her for the rest," Niall says. Liam gives Erin's dad a camcorder, and Zayn pulls up the instrumental track on his phone. On the dad's cue, Zayn hits play. When it's time, Harry begins singing his part. The closer it comes to the chorus, the more nervous Erin becomes. She decides a split second before she has to sing that she'll give it her all and be herself. She does just that, and the boy band joins in when it's time. Zayn stops the music once they're done with the first part, and Louis directs the group outside. There's a limo waiting for them, and everyone gets in.

On the way to Scenic Drive, Erin falls asleep on Harry's shoulder, and Harry ends up dozing off. Liam takes a picture of the two of them and posts it on Instagram. When he puts his phone away, he, Niall, Zayn, and Louis quietly discuss the second part. This time, Harry and Erin sing a duet during his solo. Zayn gently shakes Erin awake once they get to Scenic Drive, and she in turn wakes Harry up. Liam quickly fills the two of them in on what's going on, then everyone gets out of the limo to sing the second part. Zayn starts the track up again, and Niall sings his part. When Louis sings the pre-chorus, Harry sneaks up behind Erin and picks her up. She's a little caught off-guard, but then she gathers herself and sings Harry's solo with him. Once they're done, Zayn pauses the track. Harry gently sets her down and grabs her hand as they walk back to the limo.

On the way to the ranch, Erin looks through her Instagram account and sees that she's gained a lot of followers. Curious as to the cause of this sudden spike, she begins looking through her feed. It doesn't take her long to find the picture Liam posted of her and Harry sleeping. While Erin's looking at her phone, Harry begins playing with her hair. He makes a couple tiny braids with the hair, and he's satisfied with the result. The limo stops, and the group gets out. They quickly discuss the final part, which involves Erin coming in at the second part of the chorus and Harry singing to her at the end. Everyone spreads out, and Zayn starts up the track for the final time. Erin thinks that it would be a good idea to climb the nearby water tower ladder while she sings the chorus. The boys agree, but there's one little problem: bugs. The little insects begin landing on everyone, and they have to swat them away. The group manages to get through the final part without any major issues. As Erin gets off the ladder, a stink bug lands on her arm. She rushes down the ladder and begins freaking out. Harry runs over to her and gets her to calm down by whispering soothing things to her. Once Erin's calm, Harry has the stink bug crawl into his hand. He then squats down to the ground and allows the bug to crawl back to its life. Harry stands up and grabs Erin's hand; together, they head to the waiting limo. Erin passes out during the ride home and wakes up just when the limo pulls in the driveway.

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