Chapter 14

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"Would you mind explaining to me why my pants are wet?" Erin hears Louis's angry voice say from outside her room the next morning. She sits up on the bed and notices that Harry's gone.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Harry replies calmly. "I'm sorry that this has happened to you."

"Don't act innocent," Niall tells Harry. "I saw the note. It was in your handwriting." Erin climbs out of bed and opens the door.

"Could someone explain to me what's going on?" she asks the three men. Louis points at Harry as he replies,

"Your boyfriend stole our supplies and sprayed the both of us. The only way he would have known where they were was if he eavesdropped on our conversation."

"What are you talking about?" Erin asks. Niall sighs and answers,

"We were going to pull a prank on you, but clearly that isn't going to happen."

"Wait, what?" Erin says. "What did I ever do to you?"

"Don't you remember?" Louis asks. Erin starts shaking her head, but a vague memory comes into focus in her head.

"Are you serious? That was months ago!"

"Like we said in London, we wait until our victim doesn't expect it," Niall says.

"If you're going to argue," Liam says, poking his head out from his bedroom. "Do it quietly. You woke us up."

"This is childish," Eleanor says as she walks out into the hallway. "Louis, you've woke all of us up over a stupid prank?"

"Eleanor, it's-" Louis starts to reply.

"Can everyone please shut up?" someone snaps. The developing argument ends, and the group turns to face Anna.

"As long as we're all up," Anna says quietly, glancing at the ground. "We should get some breakfast."

"I agree," Liam replies. The group goes downstairs, and Liam and Sophia begin making breakfast in the kitchen. When it's ready, everyone but Erin heads to the dining room.

"Erin?" Harry asks, turning around when he realizes she's not with him.

"I'm not that hungry," she mumbles as she walks back upstairs to her room. Harry follows Erin, and she shuts the door before he can get inside.

"Erin, sweetheart, you need to eat something," Harry says softly.

"I said I'm not hungry!" Erin yells. From outside, Harry hears Erin crying. Gently, he opens the door and steps inside. Closing the door behind him, he walks over to Erin and sits next to her on the bed.

"Go away," Erin says weakly.

"No," Harry whispers. "Tell me what's wrong." Erin looks away from Harry.

"I hate my body," Erin says sadly. Harry wraps an arm around her.

"Why?" Erin starts crying again as she answers,

"Because I'm too fat!" Sirens go off in Harry's head.

"Look at me," he whispers. Erin sniffles as she does, and Harry puts his hands on her shoulders and stares into her eyes.

"I want you to listen to me," Harry says urgently. "You have a very beautiful body. I don't want you or anyone else to tell you differently. You are not too fat, princess. You're perfect. I love you. All of you." Erin nods her head, and Harry wipes her tears away.

"I guess I am getting a bit hungry," Erin says. "Do you think that breakfast will still be warm when we get there?"

"Only one way to find out," Harry replies. They grab hands and head downstairs to the dining room.

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