Tiana talks #1

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lol I like the title :p 

suggested by: Doodlepenguin

"Talk about your first time getting injured."

Fuck okay, I'm sure when I was a little tot I fell a lot and got hurt 24/7 but my first serious injury was when I was in fifth grade. I was at my friends house and went to go get something for her and I noticed her dog was licking a bottle of baby oil. So I yelled to her "your dog is licking a bottle of baby oil!" she told me to take it away so I went to take it away and BAM he bit me. It wasn't no "ouchie" it was like a gash. Probably 3 inches deep. I remember it hurt so bad and thankfully I only lived a few houses down from her so we walked to my house while I was screaming "I'm going to die" because I was an over dramatic child lol.

Anyways, my dad bandaged in and I went on with my day and when my mom came home she checked it out and flipped. She works in a hospital so her first reaction was to take me there. They didn't give me stitches but I got like "tape stitches" and they sent me home.

After that, to make a long story short. Throughout many weeks I had about 3 infections in the bite and was on a lot of medications. We decided to go to a better hospital and there they gave me a "debridement" which is like surgery but not really. Anyways they cleaned up my hand and took out the infection and wrapped my hand in a cast. I had to get 27 needles in that hand to numb it. That was probably one of the worst moments of my life.

Anyways, I got x-rays but nothing was broken thankfully. It was so bad that I even had to go see a plastic surgeon but he said I wouldn't actually need it and I should be fine so he sent me home. Weeks went on and it eventually healed. But to this day, I still have a scar in the hand about the size of half of my thumb.

This was fun to type out, lol I love these! I'm going to do the rest (i have about three more) in the morning. PLEASE COMMENT MORE SO I CAN DO SOOO MANY TOMORROW THIS IS FUN. I DONT CARE IF YOU'VE ALREADY COMMENTED. COMMENT AGAIN. AND AGAIN. SPAM ME YAS. I wanna do 1000 tomorow. ;) night. 

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