Tag #3

40 3 4

I didn't get tagged but I'm gonna start it lolol. Rules: You must tag 3 people

  100 Facts about me.
001. Real name: Tiana

002. Nickname: Ti, Tia

003. Favorite color: teal or lavender 

004. Male or female: female

005. do you like school?: no

006. in any clubs?: no lol

007. do you panic about exams?: not until the day of

008. going to college?: probably

009. Hair color: brown

010. Tall or Short: tall

011. Sweats or jeans: neither, i like leggings

012. Phone or Camera: camera

013. Health freak: not really

014. Orange or apple: Apple

015. Do you have a crush on someone: does Luke Hemmings count?

016. Guy friends or girl friends: girls

017. Piercings: ears

018. Pepsi or coke: coke

019. Have you been in an airplane: yep

020. Have you been in a relationship: no lol

021. Have you been in a car accident: kinda, just got rear ended

022. Have you been in a fist fight: nope

023. First piercing: ears

024. Best Friend: on here, poetryirwin

025. First award: i got a best baby awards lol

026. First crush: some guy that lived down the street

027. First word: dada or mama

028. Any talent: I can wiggle my ears??

029. Last person you talked to: my mom

030. Last person you texted: my best friend

031. Last person you watched a movie with: my mom or friend

032. Last thing you ate: a hot dog

033. Last movie/ TV show you watched: Glee

034. Last song you listened to: Independence Day by 5sos

035. Last thing you bought: sparklers

036. Last person you hugged: uh, my mom or dad or friend idkkkk


037. Food: perogies

038. Drink: arizona iced tea

039. Bottoms: leggings?

040. Flower: Rose

041. Animal: turtle

042. Book: tfios or tatbilb

043. Movie: 21 jump street

044. Subject: english


045. [ ] Fallen in love with someone:
046. [x ]Celebrated Halloween:
047. [x] Had your heart broken:
048. [ ] Went over the minutes/texts on your phone:
049. [?] Had someone like you:
050. [x] Hated the way someone changed:
051. [ ] Got pregnant:
052. [ ] Had an abortion:.
053. [x] Did something you regret:
054. [x] Broken a promise?
055. [x] Hid a secret?
056. [x] Pretend to be happy?
057. [x] Met someone who has changed your life?
058. [xxxxx] Pretended to be sick?
059. [x] Left the country?
060. [x] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it?
061. [x] Cried over the silliest thing?
062. [] Ran a mile?
063. [x] Gone to the beach with your best friend?
064. [x] Gotten into an argument with your friends?
065. [x] Disliked someone?
066. [x] Stayed single for two years since the first time you had a bf/gf or been single forever?
067. Eating: nothing

068. Drinking: iced tea

069. Listening to: Tomorrow Never Dies 5sos

070. Sitting or laying: sitting

071. Plans for today: i got slurpees bc free slurpee day

072. Waiting for: bed time lol

073. Want kids: yeah

074. Want to get married: yeah

075. Want to travel: yeah

076. Lips or eyes: eyes

077. Shorter or taller: taller

078. Younger or older: older

079. Romantic or spontaneous: both

080. Trouble-maker or hesitant: trouble-maker

081. Hook up or relationship: relationship

082. Looks or personality: personality

083. Lost glasses: no

084. Snuck out of the house: no 

085. Held a gun/ knife in self defense: no

086. Killed somebody: no

087. Broke someone's heart: no

088. Been in love: no

089. Cried when someone dies: yeah

090. Yourself: not really

091. Miracles: idk

092. Love at first sight: idk

093. Heaven: yeah

094. Santa Claus: i wish

095. Aliens: kinda

096. Ghosts/Angels: yeah

097. The one person you really want to be with right now: this one guy but I'm supposed to be over

098. Do you know who your real friends are: yeah

099. Do you believe in God: yeah

100. Music or Art: music  

I tag poetryirwin -PrettyAsh 

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