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“Their songs are all so good!” Miranda sighed, leaning against the hood of the car. “I don’t understand how they write so well…”

I chewed lightly on my lip, slamming the car door and trotting towards the front door of the house. This was too much for a day.

Miranda followed behind me, watching as I unlocked the door and stepped into the house. I really did hate living there. It was all lonely and empty. Most of our belongings were either packed away or sold after my mum died.

Then everything just got worse when my stepdad got into a work accident and now he’s been in a coma for four months already. It’s my first year of uni and I basically have no parental support. It gets depressing at times; sitting in your near empty living room, wondering when your father’s going to wake up, or if you and your sister can make enough money to pay the bills for the month, or if you’ll have to sell your mother’s prized possessions just so you can have heating for when it gets cold.

That’s why I turned to songwriting, because it helped. Diana was the result of one of those thoughtful days, and look what happened.

“Want to have dinner or no?” Miranda opened one of the cupboards, searching for something we could eat.

I shook my head, “Not really. M’not hungry.”

“You want a sandwich or something light?”

“No, thanks for asking though.”

She shrugs and takes out an apple from the fridge. “Are you going to visit dad today, or are you staying here?”

“I dunno,” I replied, trying to remember if I had much homework. “Are you going?”

Miranda shook her head, “Can’t. I have evening classes that start-” she glanced at the clock, “-in like, half an hour.”

I checked the clock too and realized it was nearly six. Visiting hours ended by eight, and who knew what would happen at the hospital?

“I’ll go now,” I told her, picking up my keys. “I’ll tell him you said hi?”

“Sure,” Miranda nodded at me and took a bit from her apple. “See you.”

I hummed in reply and dashed out the house, nearly forgetting to close the door behind me.

“Why is the hospital so crowded today?” I muttered under my breath, weaving through all the people to try to get to dad’s room. Seriously though, do people choose a certain day to fall and get hurt? Because it must’ve been October 3rd for everyone.

I opened the door to his room and walked in, waving to his nurse.

“Hi, Jenna,” I smiled.

“Hey, Carter!” she responded, a little too enthusiastically. “How are you?”

“M’fine, you?” I sat down on the chair beside his bed.

Jenna attached the clipboard she was holding back to the end of the bed. “I’m great, and it looks like your father’s improving. He’s at a normal heart rate and blood pressure, but until he’s awake we can’t really tell much else.”

I sighed and took dad’s hand in mind, playing with his fingers. “It’s been four months. If he’s acting so normal, why can’t he just open his damn eyes?”

Jenna shook her head. “Who knows? The world works in mysterious ways...” and then she walked out of the room, leaving me to talk to my father alone.

I continued to play with his fingers as I stared down at the white sheets. “Hey dad…” I chuckled at myself. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen your eyes. They’re a beautiful blue, you know? I would love to see them again.”

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