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“On this slide, you can see the muscles are getting considerably weaker. The victim can only lift this box when a month before, he could lift the much larger one right here.” The professor pointed to the picture but I was too distracted to pay attention.

I had my laptop open, but instead of typing up notes, I was on the internet. Ever since that day that we’d gotten back from the hospital, none of the boys had called me or answered any of my phone calls. I hadn’t had any more inspiration to write any form of music; it was like everything was just drained out of me.

I could still remember Liam’s frustrated words. I wasn’t supposed to do that. That wasn’t supposed to happen. So he wasn’t allowed to kiss me? We were dating, key word were I suppose, wasn’t that meant to happen sooner or later?

I just felt really disappointed with the whole thing. I thought that maybe there was something there that he felt too because there sure as hell wasn’t any person from management or paparazzi in that hospital, so why did he kiss me? And then run away afterwards?

I logged onto Twitter and began scrolling through my timeline, clicking on pictures to enlarge them and then scrolling once more. Even though I wasn’t on there to connect with anyone, Twitter was still fun and time consuming nonetheless.

“Just a few more tweets,” I mumbled to myself as the professor droned on and on about the human body and boxes or whatever.

My eyes caught site of one of the pictures. I clicked on it, immediately recognizing one of the people in the candid Liam. The other was a brunette girl, pretty, but someone I didn’t know. Liam was wearing a jacket, most likely cold, and looked close to holding the girl’s hand, even though he wasn’t. She was smiling at him and they were ice skating.

I pursed my lips and shut my laptop just as we were dismissed from the class. I quickly stuffed the laptop in my bag and stood up, slinging it over my shoulder. I followed the herd of students out of the room and began looking around for the curly haired girl that was my stepsister.

“Carter!” Miranda called, waving her hand. “Over here!”

I walked over to her. “Hey, Mirry,” I greeted.

“Sup?” She grinned. “Ready to go?”

I was about to nod when I finally remembered. “Ugh, I can’t. I have that extra credit group for economics.”

“Oh,” Miranda answered. She shrugged her shoulders. “How long is that gonna take? I can wait.”

I smiled at her and properly fixed the bag on my back. “Nahh, its fine. I have some money; I can take the bus home.”

“Alright then. See you at home.”

I waved to her as she walked off to the shiny, black Kia that I’d just recently bought. I’d finally caved in and after talking it through with dad, bought a car. He was still kind of suspicious when he some of my uncashed checks, but I made up some lame excuse that even I can’t remember.

I turned around and began walking to the Economics classroom.




When I walked inside I was met with a blast of warm air. Mr. Clarke was not inside, but in his place a group of about four or five students. They were all sitting on the ground in a circle and looked up when I stepped in.

“Oh, you must be Carter,” one of the girls, a tall blonde with bright green eyes, said to me. “Welcome to the extra credit group. I’m Erin.” She began introducing me to the other people. “That’s Isaac, Jodi, and her brother, Dominic.”

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