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"Liam! Who is this?"

"Are you two dating?"

"You two were seen together in the same car, is this true?"

I was frozen in my spot. I couldn't move. I had no idea how celebrities could just walk right through these people; they were like roaches – literally everywhere. Every second, there was a flash in my vision and a new question thrown at both me and Liam.

Someone thrust a microphone in my face. "Excuse me Miss, are you and Mr. Payne currently in a relationship?"

I could see someone holding a camera behind them. I only blinked, unable to answer it. I was in shock. What could I say? Was I even supposed to say anything?

"C'mon, man," Liam told the guy, immediately wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him. "Leave her alone. No questions." He led me through the throng of people, because I could hardly do it myself. I felt more and more bodies on me but I took deep breaths and tried to ignore it.

When we finally reached the car, I made one last eye contact with one of them.

Jodi was staring dead at me. Something flitted across her features, like guilt, and her eyes softened. I dropped my gaze and climbed into the car, happy to be away from the madness.

Liam and I were both silent as he finally managed to pull away from the studio. His eyes were set outside the windshield as he joined the road, but once we were safely cruising he looked at me.

"Are you okay?" He whispered, placing his hand on top of mine.

I looked down at our two hands before intertwining our fingers. "Yeah," I breathed. "I think I'm fine."

He nodded, "Sorry about that. It can get a bit crazy sometimes."

"A bit?" I raised an eyebrow. "That was not a bit."

Liam chuckled, "Yeah, I guess not."

A ringing was heard inside the vehicle.

"Could you check that for me?" He asked.

I nodded and reached into the cup holder, where his phone was. I stared down at the caller ID and my eyes widened.

"Uh," I bit my lip. "It's management."

Liam let out a loud groan. "Oh God," he mumbled, before taking the phone from my hands and answering the call.


I tried my best to tune out his words and stared out the window instead. The passing scenery calmed me down, me trying not to think of what was happening on the other end. I knew that something was going to happen; I could almost feel it in my bones.

Liam suddenly held the phone out to me. "They want to talk to you."

My throat went dry. "M-me?"

His eyes were filled with pity as he placed the phone gently in my hands. I gave it one look before bringing it up to my ear. "Err...hello?"

"Ms. Riley," A voice on the other end greeted. "It's a pleasure to speak to you."

"S-same," I replied. Oh God, I was stupid.

The person chuckled, "That's great. It's come to my attention that you and Mr. Payne were mobbed today, no?"

I nodded my head, then realized he couldn't see me. Liam was shooting me worried looks. "Yeah. Uh...sorry about that."

"No, no, it's not your fault," he assured. "We're just concerned about what this will do to his image."

My voice suddenly got higher. It tends to do that when I'm scared. "H-h-his image?"

There was another laugh. "Yes, his image. You're quite nervous, aren't you?"

I didn't respond. I couldn't respond.

"Well, it won't be good for Liam to be seen with another girl that is not confirmed to be his girlfriend. It could bring up rumors that we don't want associated with the band, especially with the album release so close. So," The manager paused. "I think it's high time you two confirm it."

My heart jumped to my throat. "Well, I, uh-"

"Liam has already agreed. It's up to you. But please note that if you don't, there will be consequences for you both."

I felt like I had no choice. "Okay," I nearly whispered.

"Good! We'll be hearing from you then. Goodbye, Carter."

I gulped and dropped my head. "Yeah. Bye."




@Real_Liam_Payne: Hey guys just wanted to tell you that the girl I was with is my girlfriend. Her name is Carter and I love her very much :)

@Best1DFan938028: @Real_Liam_Payne omg no liam how could you !!!!!! fuck her we were meant to be

@daddypayne_20: @Real_Liam_Payne wow liam you could really do better. Just saying :/

@Styles_Tommo_Horan_Mayne: @Real_Liam_Payne she's ugly though. Get back together with dani! #payzer

I finally locked my phone and threw it down on my bed. I knew this was a bad idea. I knew that I should've never agreed to publicly date Liam. I knew how their fans could be sometimes, but I didn't know what else to do. I had no idea what type of 'consequences' his manager was talking about and I really didn't want to find out.

I sat up in my bed, my arms wrapped around my knees. I didn't know if I could handle all of this. What if everything just became so unbearable that I couldn't even walk out of the house anymore? What would happen then?

I heard my phone beep, notifying me that I had a text message. I sighed before turning it over and looking down at it.

I didn't have just one text message, I had five.

From: Liam

Carter I hope everything's okay! Please call me :( xxx

From: Harry

Carter call Liam! Or any one of us we're worried about you!!! xx

From: Zayn

I hope it's not twitter. Don't listen to them

From: Niall

Are you okay? Text back x

From: Louis

Call me !

I ignored all of them. I wasn't in the mood for hearing any of their voices.

There was a knock on my door and a soft voice came. "Carter?" They knocked again. "Can I come in?"

I pursed my lips. "Come in."

The door opened and Miranda padded into the room. She frowned when she saw my disheveled state and joined me on the bed. "Are you okay?"

I quickly shook my head. "I'm tired of people asking me that. I'm not okay. I'm so not okay."

Miranda looked at me for a brief second. "Is it Liam?"

Tears sprung to my eyes as I nodded, "Y-yes."

And then she hugged me. Miranda hugged me tightly and I closed my eyes as I leaned into her embrace. It'd been a while since I'd shared a hug with my stepsister; we weren't the type to do it often. But it felt good.

It got me thinking. Maybe she was right. Maybe I should just forget about everything, quit the job, and move on with my life. Maybe this whole thing wasn't worth it.

I fell asleep to the sound of my phone ringing.




A/N hi! sorry this is really late btw. comments and votes would be appreciated! :) xx

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