T W E N T Y - N I N E

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I was sure to park on the street instead of pulling into the driveway as I didn't want anyone to question my new mode of transportation. I sat there after the car had been turned off, just contemplating all of my life decisions. I was going to move out of the house I'd known for most of my life, the house where most of my memories resided along with my remaining family members.

"When I moved out, it was tough," Louis said quietly beside me. "But I had to do it; I was starting a new life."

I turned to him with a smile. "When did you get so wise?"

He let out a booming laugh and opened the door to the car, hopping out. "I'm really not. I just thought you could use some advice. You want me to go in with you, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm just gonna grab some important stuff. I don't need everything."

I locked the car and we both started the trek up to the house. The closer we got, the more I eyed the place. It wasn't a mansion like Louis', but it wasn't small. In fact, it was one of the biggest houses on the block. Back when mum was still around, it had been bright and happy, always filled with friendly commotion. But when things started changing, it's like I could slowly watch it die with my own eyes.

We got to the doorstep. I fumbled with my keys and unlocked the door, sliding it open.

"Wait here," I said to Louis inside the foyer. He nodded and began looking at all the photographs hanging on the walls.

I went further into the house. There were sounds in the kitchen, most likely dad making lunch. I ignored them and jogged up the stairs to my room. When I opened the door, I almost felt sick to my stomach. Never had I thought of leaving this place. I saw the bed, pushed to the corner beside the wall, that I had had since I'd moved here. My computer desk where I'd written many songs. The bookcase that contained stories that both sets of my parents had read to me.

Change was something that had been happening my whole life but that I still wasn't accustomed to.

I began shuffling around, finding stuff that I thought I'd need and shoving it in bags. I took most of my clothes, my chargers, my laptop, a book of fairytales I couldn't dare part with, my shoes, and swiped my arm over my dresser and dumped my makeup, hair, and skincare products into another bag.

By the time I was satisfied with the things I had, four bags were on my shoulders and in my hands.

I quickly left the room, shut the door, and trotted down the steps. However, I was met with the sight of my father with his hands crossed, Miranda sitting on the sofa, and an awkward looking Louis.

"Carter," my dad said, drawing out my name slightly. "Would you like to explain to me who this is and where you're going?"

I bit my lip and dropped one of the bags accidentally. "Uh, dad, this is Louis. Louis, this is my dad," I responded as I tried to pick up the fallen luggage. "I'm going out."

"Out?" he raised an eyebrow. "With your things packed up?"

"I'm lowkey moving out." Louis snorted at my words but stopped abruptly when I shot him a look. I straightened up. "Temporarily. I need to...clear my head."

"And where will you be staying?"

"I have a place, sir," Louis broke in. "She won't be living with me, but in my old flat. It's entirely safe and I'll make sure the building employees keep a watchful eye on her."

Dad shook his head slowly, "But why? I understand that you're growing up...but I don't see a need for you to leave so suddenly. What about school? What about us?"

I scowled, "You should ask your daughter why any of this is happening." I jabbed a finger at Miranda, who was giving me an innocent look. "She's the main reason, dad. Not you."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she shrugged. "I was just doing her a favor."

I groaned frustratedly and hurriedly went to the door. "Come on, Louis."

The boy looked back at my father as he tried to follow me at the same time. "She's in good hands, Mister, don't worry!"

"Carter-" Dad started but I cut him off.

"I'll still go to school and get good grades," I said. "I'll visit as often as I can. I'll call. Hell, I'll even write. But please don't try to stop me. I love you but this is a decision I have to make on my own." I opened the door and stepped outside. "See you later, dad."

I didn't look back as we both left the house. I tried to keep my face void of any emotions. We walked to the car and I stuffed my things in the backseat and slid into the front. Louis did not say a word about anything that had just occurred. Instead, he turned on the radio and hummed the music under his breath. I was extremely grateful for the sound of both the lyrics and his hums to fill the silence.

I drove to the flat building with the directions Louis gave me aloud. I also drove with sweaty hands. Here I was, moving out to a fancy apartment with Louis Tomlinson sitting beside me in my very own Range Rover. If someone had told me last year this would happen, I'd have laughed extremely hard.




"Alright, so the pin is 4427," Louis explained. "You just press those buttons and it'll take you right up."

"What the hell Louis, you didn't tell me the flat was a penthouse." I huffed. "You're living lavishly even when you're not living here."

He pressed in the pin. "Well, I just left out one little small minor detail."

I rolled my eyes at him. The elevator dinged, signalling that it had arrived at its destination. The doors slowly opened and when I caught sight of the place, I made sure to punch Louis on the arm.

"Ow!" he yelped. "Oh, come on."

"One little small minor detail, huh," I snapped. I exited the elevator and stepped onto a plush white carpet in a living area with cream sofas and a large television hanging on the wall. Light streamed into the room from the windows that served as walls; the view revealed the other tall buildings surrounding the one we were in. Tall doors opened to the balcony area, with more chairs and chrome detailing.

Louis rubbed the back of his neck. "Alright, so it's not little at all. What was I going to do? Let you live in some dingy place?" He scoffed. "Leave me alone and have something nice."

I walked further into the penthouse. My hands ran along the sofas and the door handles. Louis went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. "No food," he said. "So you can buy that. I won't even offer."

"Thank you," I giggled. My feet padded up a staircase, leaving Louis to fend for himself downstairs. Up there was a grand bedroom that overlooked the rest of the place. A door led to the master bathroom. I could tell this room was Louis'. The bed was enormous and when I lay down it was if it would swallow me whole.

I got back up and went back down the stairs. "I'll check out the rest later," I said with a grin. "When are you leaving?"

"Uh, when my services are no longer needed." Louis left the kitchen, but another body left with him.

I watched with wary eyes. "Hey, Carter," Liam said nervously. His hands were in his pockets. "Could we talk?"

I eyed Louis, "You let him in?"

"He knows the code," Louis responded, holding up his hands defensively. "Don't look at me." Louis quickly scurried to the couch and grabbed the remote to turn on the television.

"Great," I sighed, crossing my arms. "What do you want to talk about?"

Liam stepped closer to me. "Everything."  

A/N: shoutout to all the new people reading this story. if you go to the one direction category copyright shows up 3rd !!!!!!! exciting af

do you think carter and liam will work everything out? or will i, chi, the author, never get them together?

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