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A/N this chapter is dedicated to @PooBoo because she inspired me to update and she asked nicely :) so here you go love, glad you're enjoying the story xx

"Carter..." Miranda started. She started chewing on her lip, her eyes cast down to the ground instead of looking at me.

I tucked a loose strand behind me ear. "Yeah?"

"I..." She sighed, finally looking me in the eye. "Are you sure about this?"

"Sure about what?" I joined her beside the wall.

Miranda huffed, her nostrils flaring a bit. "About this...dating Liam thing. I mean-" She paused, searching for words. "It could lead to a lot of trouble. You know how One Direction fans are."

I rolled my eyes, "C'mon Mirry. Who said we were gonna tell the fans? They'll probably never find out. Plus," I turned to her. "It's just an excuse."

"I'm just worried about you, Car," Miranda looked like she was in distress. "I don't want you getting hurt. I mean, sure, the pay's great, but do you really wanna go along with this?"

I placed my hand on her shoulder, trying to calm myself down. "Look," I said. "This is my dream. I've always wanted to be a professional songwriter and now I am. Why the hell would I give it up?"

She didn't reply.

I continued.

"You were the one that kept jumping with joy about this whole thing! You liked the money, you liked being associated with One Direction, and now you met Liam! Why are you all of a sudden changing your mind?"

Miranda narrowed her eyes at me. "It all just seems a bit fishy! You're writing a whole album for them and their assistant-whatever doesn't even know! Are you even really supposed to be here?"

I scowled. "Okay, so maybe I don't get credit for the songs I write. Maybe everyone thinks it's theirs. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna give up the job!"

"Carter," she hissed, "They stole your song. Now you're letting them take the credit for a whole album! It's just not a smart thing to do!"

I groaned. "So you're just turning on me now? You weren't like this ten minutes ago. Fine," I turned to go back in the studio. "This is my decision and I choose to go along with it, whether you like it or not."

I opened the door and walked inside, shooting the boys a smile. Miranda followed, her face also looking happy to mask any traces of the argument we'd had outside.


"So, same time next week?" Harry asked on the phone, a happy tone in his voice.

I smiled, adjusting in my seat. "Yeah, sure. Has Liam talked to Celine again?"

"No," Harry replied, "But we're expecting management to call him sooner or later."

"Okay," I sighed in relief. "That's good. I'll get going now, talk to you later Styles."

"Bye, Carter," he said before hanging up.

I set my phone down on the table, staring down at it before the screen faded into black. I was actually really tired. I'd spent a few hours in the studio, making sure the boys had Story of My Life down pat before they submitted it for recording. Miranda had stayed normal, fortunately, but her mood immediately declined as soon as we left the building.

I didn't understand what her problem was. If I'd remembered correctly, she was excited for all of this. And now she's taking it all back and saying it's a bad idea.

It was stupid. It wasn't her decision to make, right? I didn't have to listen to her. She was obviously pulling my leg. Something else was up.

I suddenly picked up my pen, finding a stray piece of paper on my desk.

If this room was burning, I wouldn't even notice, 'cause you've been taking up my mind with your little white lies.

I didn't know where I was going with it but I quickly jotted down the lyric before getting up. I'd work more later, but for the moment I was hungry.

I opened my door and stepped out before shutting it behind me and making my way down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen and up to the fridge, opening it.

"Wonder what there is to eat," I muttered to myself, looking through it. All I saw was leftover spaghetti from two nights ago.

I shrugged and took it out, bumping the fridge with my hip to close it. "More like spa-ghetto-i," I laughed to myself. "Oh I'm so funny, I-"

I stopped when I noticed Miranda sitting at the breakfast nook, her fork swirling over some of the spaghetti I was planning on eating.

I could tell she'd just taken a shower because her black hair was back to its naturally curly state and she was wearing sweatpants and a loose t-shirt.

I was sure that she'd noticed me, positive actually. I mean, I was talking to myself. Way to go, Carter.

It just proved that she was ignoring me.

I frowned, walking over to the microwave and heating up the spaghetti. I hopped onto the counter, remembering how Miranda had done the same that day I'd gotten fired from the bakery.

It was also the day my life changed...

But I wasn't sure if it was for the better or worse.

When the spaghetti was finished, I grabbed a fork and went to eat it but I noticed that it was lacking some sauce. Groaning, I started searching through the cupboards to find some.

"Sauce is on the stove," I heard Miranda mumble from the other side of the kitchen. "Made some earlier."

"Uhh, thanks," I smiled at her before heading over to the stove and grabbing the pot.

The kitchen was eerily silent. It was weird because our house was always loud, no matter what day it was. I decided that I was going to fix it because I was sure that it wasn't healthy for sisters to be holding grudges.

"Do you...er, want to go see dad with me tomorrow?" I asked, speaking up loudly to fill the silence. "It's okay if you don't want to; I just thought that we should."

Miranda didn't reply for a while and I was going to just give up and take my food upstairs before she finally did.

"Yeah, sure," she said. "I haven't been there in too long. Count me in."

I left out a small breath of relief. I'd go see dad, make up with Miranda, make thousands a week, live life, and when everything was over I'd finish uni and get married and have a family and tell them stories about how 'mummy got a job with the vintage boyband'.

Yeah. Everything would be just fine.

A/N hello! thank you all for reading! i can't believe this has 12k reads, that's considerably fast since at the last chapter i was still at 9k. i love you guys so much okay never forget.

question of the day: what do you want to see happen in this story?

vote and comment pleaaseeee. thank youu x

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