Chapter 1 - Meeting The Enemy

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Hi everyone!! Sorry it's been a while since I updated this story. I was wondering if I should continue this story and judging by the readers I had for just the prologue, I thought I should. Anyways, everything has been so busy with school lately, but now everything has calmed down and I can do weekly updates!


Chapter 1 - Meeting The Enemy

A fist flew across the air and hit me straight in my nose. My hands flew up to grasp my throbbing nose. I stumbled backwards and shook my head to clear my mind. The masses were gaining on me and I had nowhere to run. I fought and fought my way out of the crowd, punching every body that dare lay a hand on me. But as good as a fighter I was, I couldn't fight all of them at once. I succumbed to their will and allowed myself to be dragged under.

"Stop!" my instructed yelled. I slowly got off the floor and dusted myself off. I sighed deeply, annoyed with the fact that I had yet again failed my test. Despite the fact that I was number one in every single one of my classes, I could not manage to pass a single one of my AST's. (Academic Spy Test) Time after time, I tried and tried and every single time I managed to fail. I would come so close to beating the simulation, but I would always end up making a crucial mistake in the end.

Luckily for me, the AST's only affected my grade performance a little so I still managed to be top scholar in the school. I trudged my way over to my bag that lay on the ground and slowly picked it up. I adjusted the strap on my shoulder and took one last look at the virtual room, then I walked out of the class. As I pushed the door open, I heard a thud from the other side. Immediately, I stepped out of the path of the doorway and shut the door. As my head cocked to the side, I heard a groan. Crouched on the floor was a boy who was holding his head in his hand. His books lay astrewn on the floor in a jumbled mess besides him. I quickly dropped my bag and began picking up his belongings.

"I'm so sorry," I began muttering to him as I gathered the books. I grabbed the sheets of paper that had been thrown ashrew and stacked it into one big pile. When everything was picked up, I hastily threw everything into his open hands. I quickly grabbed my book bag that I had set down earlier and began walking away. "Sorry!" I called out once more as I left the hallway. I ran down to the cafeteria, knowing that if I waited any longer, all the food would be gone. When I got to the dining hall, I quickly made my way to the lunch line. Luckily, there were a few hamburgers left and a couple scoops of mashed potatoes. Once I had paid for my lunch, I made my way over to where my friends were sitting.

"I heard you failed another simulation Trace," Jen asked. I sighed in exasperation. Had word gotten around that fast? People in spy school really had nothing else to do except gossip right? Since we were all so good at eavesdropping, everyone's secret always ended up in the open. Hence, there was a no secret policy in the school. Not like anyone could keep one anyways.

"Word spreads fast huh?" I replied as I took a large bite of my hamburger. "I mean, I know I can do so much better, but for some reason I always end up freezing at the most pivotal time." Jen nodded as I began to discuss all the possibilities of my many failures. As we talked about tidbits here and there, the rest of the gang came to join us.

"So. Guess what!" Zareen yelled as she approached our table. She was the loudest and most boisterous one out of all of my friends. She had always been like that from the start. If you want to know my guess, I think she is too hyped up on coffee all of the time. "Anyways, there is news spreading around that a new boy has come to school." I cocked my head in question. A new kid? We hardly accepted kids in the middle of the semester because it would be hard for them to keep up with the advanced curriculum.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2016 ⏰

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