After The Sky

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Fem! Jesse X Aiden

Jesse's POV:

"Please don't leave me here, I'll die!" I heard Aiden beg, tears forming in his green eyes.

I felt bad for the poor guy, even though he did try to kill me. I let out a sigh. "Come on," I

told him, holding out my hand. He grabbed it and stood up. "Thanks Jesse, this means alot

to me," He said, turning red. I laughed. "Just, try not to kill us again, ok?" He chuckled at

that. "I'm sorry, I was just jealous of you, and Lukas, and everyone else," He confessed.

"You're still not off the hook!" Reginald yelled at him. I saw fear grow in Aiden's eyes. "W-

what's going t-to happen to m-me?" He stuttered in fear. "You'll find out soon enough,"

Reggie replied, making Aiden turn pale. "It'll be okay," I whispered in his ear. He nodded

and we walked outside. "What have I done?" Aiden gasped. I gave him a pat on the back.

"It's not Your fault," I reassured him. "Yes it is! I'm responsible for everything!" I looked up

at him. "No you're not," I told him. "I mean... if I hadn't even gone after the flint and steel,

this would've never happened!" He yelled. I slapped his face. "Pull yourself together!

Whether it's your fault or not, we need to get off this island, and help the others too!" He

nodded. "Alright," He said, "Let's do this." Before I could reply, a ghast hit me with a

fireball, and I tumbled off the edge.

Aiden's POV:

I watched Jesse fall down into the void, and I've never felt so helpless before in my life.

The ghast aimed another fireball at me, but I dodged it and hit it with my sword, causing

it to reflect off of it and hit the ghast. "Haha! Don't mess with the Aiden!" I yelled. I saw

hundreds of zombies heading towards the void. "Jesse..." I mumbled, and fought off the

zombies so Jesse wouldn't get attacked by all of them. Unfortunately my sword broke after

about twenty zombies were killed."Crap!" I yelled. I started to back away, my eyes wide

with fear, until I tripped and stumbled backwards over the edge.

Jesse's POV:

I landed in the water below me and swam to shore. Luckily, the Ghast's fireball only

scraped the side of my arm, so I was able to fight off the sea of zombies coming after me.

"Phew!" I said, after I killed them, "they're gone!" Just then, I heard another plop in the

water. I ran at it with my sword, only to find out that it was Aiden. "Aiden?!" I asked,

completely stunned, "What are you doing down here?!" He laughed. "I might've slipped

and fell," He admitted. "So, we're stuck down here?" I asked. "Yeah," Aiden replied, "I

think that we are." Suddenly, a bunch of people hit the surface of the water, and swam to

the shore. I spotted Lukas, Ivor, and Petra, and ran over. "Guys!" I yelled, hugging each

one of them individually. "Woah, Jesse! You're alive!" Lukas exclaimed. "When I saw you

go over, I thought you were dead," Petra told me. "Well I'm not," I replied. "You!" I heard

Reginald shout, pointing to me. "Yes?" I asked. "Where'd that kid go?" I looked over at

Aiden, and quickly looked back at him. "I'm not sure," I lied, trying to sound innocent.

Reginald looked over to where I had looked before, and saw Aiden. "Aha!" He said,

marching over to him, "You're coming with me!" I saw him holding handcuffs and putting

them around Aiden's hands, and I watched them walk away.

Aiden's POV:

I saw Jesse talking to the guard, and I was worried. Soon after, I saw Reginald turn around

and spot me, while she stood there with widened eyes. He walked over to me and

handcuffed me, and dragged me away. I took one final glance at Jesse, before she was out

of sight. "Wait!" She yelled, running towards us, "don't lock him up!" I gasped, and looked

at Reggie, who had a scowl on his face. "Why shouldn't I lock this jerk up?" He asked her.

"Because!" She yelled at him, stepping closer to me. "Because why?" He asked, still

scowling. "Because... I love him, okay?" She admitted. I started blushing like crazy. My

mouth wouldn't work, and I stood there with my mouth wide open. Reginald smirked and

undid my handcuffs. "I'll leave you two lovebirds alone," He said, before walking away.

I smiled and she gave me a hug. "Thank you," I whispered to her. She pulled out of the hug

and looked me in the eye. "Do you feel the same way?" She asked me, turning pink. I

laughed. "Does this answer your question?" I asked her, giving her a kiss on her lips. She

broke the kiss and said, "Yes, I believe it does."

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