Potions (Part 2)

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Ivor ran and ran, trying to get to Harper as fast as I could. He made it to the portal

hallway and jumped through the portal to Crown Mesa. "Wow," he mumbled in awe,

scanning his surroundings. Crown Mesa definitely looked different from the last time he

was there. The last time he was in Crown Mesa, it was sunny and bright. Everyone had

almost finished building everything back up, and the town looked as beautiful as ever.

Now, it was dark. It was dark, cold, and broken down. There was smoke from buildings

that had burned down, and all of the citizens were missing. Gone. "Harper!?" He called,

hoping for a response. There was silence. Just as he was about to give up hope, he heard a

faint cry. "Ivor?" he heard. The voice almost

seemed scared yet... surprised.  He ran towards the voice, hoping that he'd find Harper. 

"Harper!" he screamed again.

"Ivor!" the voice called again. It was definitely Harper. He ran and ran, making a sharp

left into a nearby cave. "Ivor!" Harper screamed. Ivor looked up and saw her tied up. Just

as he was about to go untie her, he felt something hard hit his head. Ivor fell to the

ground in pain. "I-I'm sorry..." he managed to say before falling unconscious. 


Harper screamed as Ivor fell to the ground. "It's a real shame... huh?" somebody said,

"your poor little boyfriend came all this way to rescue you, but he wasn't able to do

anything." Harper sighed. 

"Why are you doing this?" Harper asked her kidnapper, glaring daggers at him.

He chuckled.

"Because, my dear Harper," he said, "he and his little friends destroyed everything I

loved... They put me in prison and had my own men turn against me. Now, I'll turn

everyone against him."

He pulled out a red, glowing box and waved it in front of Harper's face.

"Thanks for the Redstone Heart, Harper. It really means a lot," he laughed.

Harper scowled.

"You won't get away with this Hadrian..." Harper yelled. She tried to break free, but she


"I'm afraid that Obsidian handcuffs are a bit tough to break out of Harper..." he told her.

"I hate you Hadrian! Why don't you fight me like a man?" She screamed without thinking.

Hadrian knelt down and slapped her face. "Don't tell me what to do Harper. Just

remember, the fate of your town lies in my hands," He responded. He walked out,



Ivor woke up shortly after their conversation. He had been handcuffed as well, and tied

to the ground. "Harper..." he said, looking up at her, tears in his eyes. Her cheek still

hadn't recovered from Hadrian hitting her. "I'm alright Ivor," She said, giving him a weak

smile, "we've been through worse, right?"

Ivor sighed. "I guess..." he mumbled, "but how are we going to get out of here?"

Harper was silent.

Finally, she muttered three words in a small voice. "I don't know..."

Ivor looked around the room, trying to find something he could use to loosen the ropes

around him first. He managed to stand up, and the rope instantly fell to his feet.

"Wow, this guy must really suck at tying knots," Ivor said with a small laugh.

Harper laughed too.

He smiled. Even when things were tough, she still managed to be happy.

That was one of the things he loved about her.

He walked around, hopelessly trying to find something to break the handcuffs on his


Finally, he saw a diamond pickaxe, lying on a nearby ledge.

He slammed his handcuffs down onto the pickaxe, and they shattered immediately.

"Your turn," he said, picking up the diamond tool. Harper held out her hands, and with

one swift movement, the handcuffs were broken.

"Let's get out of here, there's no telling what Hadrian will do to Crown Mesa," Harper said.

When Ivor and Harper could see Crown Mesa, they both saw something that they

hoped they'd never see again...



"But... how?" Ivor asked, clearly in shock.

"He..." Harper started, "he has the redstone heart."

She realized Hadrian's true intentions at that moment.

"You need to get out of here!" Harper said in a harsh whisper.

Before Ivor had time to respond, there was a bright flash of green light that stopped him

from saying anything.

"Hello. I am PAMA," they heard in the distance.

Harper's failed invention had been activated once again. 

A/N: Yes, I am leaving you on a cliffhanger. Yes, I am making you wait for a Potions "(Part 3)" Yes, I'm cruel. Yes, I want you to still love me. Yes, I am still taking requests. Yes, I'm leaving now. Bye!

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