A Day In The Snow

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Dan X Stampy

"Dan!" Stampy screamed as a snowball flew past my face, and hit him in the chest. I balled

up some snow and threw it back at Lizzie and Stacy. "Ha!" I yelled triumphantly as it hit

Stacy. I wasn't really a fan of cold weather, but this was really fun. I looked over at

Stampy and saw that he was having a great time, even though he was covered in snow.

Lizzie threw a snowball at Stampy, which made him lose his balance and fall over.

I looked over, and saw that he wasn't moving. "Stampy!" I yelled, running over to him.

He sat up and chuckled. "That was-" He started before getting hit in the head with another

snowball. I packed up some snow and threw it back at them. Stampy attempted to sit up

again, but Stacy threw a snowball at him before he could. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in my back as I was knocked over. Dang, what did that

punk put in that snowball? I thought to myself as I fell over. I clenched my eyes shut, and

prepared for the worst. Immediately, my eyes sprung open after I saw what I had landed

on; Stampy's lips. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I stuttered trying, to get up. Stampy said

nothing and grabbed my arm, which stopped me. "Um, Stampy, what are you-" I asked,

before he planted his lips on mine. "You know Dan, I kinda like you," Stampy admitted,

turning red. I smiled. "And I think I like you too Mr. Stampy Cat," I said, giving him

another smile. I was sure that by now my face was beet red, but I didn't care. The only

thing I cared about was Stampy being here with me.


A/N: Sorry the chapter is so short! It's something that I was kinda in a rush to finish!
Anyways, I do hope that you enjoyed this.

Fun Fact: This was originally going to be a oneshot where they're at the beach, but I
decided to make it in the winter since that's the closest season.

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