Thanks For Saving Me

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Male Jesse X The Founder

Before I get started...

I have never seen this ship before...

Personally I ship Isa and Milo, but whatever...


Jesse's POV:

I ran into the palace and began searching for a lever so that we could find the eversource.

I ran outside, and saw a dead bush sitting in a pot. Man, she needs to take better care of

her plants, I thought, taking a stick from the bush. I looked over, and I saw a cobblestone

generator. I punched the cobblestone and grabbed it before it fell into the lava. I walked

to a crafting table, and crafted a lever, allowing us to go into her secret room. I placed it

down, and went into a Minecart, which lead to the secret room. "Nice job Jesse!" Lukas

cheered, getting into a Minecart, followed by Petra, Ivor, and Milo. To be honest, I didn't

really like that Milo guy, but Petra made me drag him along. When we reached the room,

you could see rows of chests. Each of them labeled with some sort of animal or mob

name. "Sheep..." I quietly said to myself, opening the chest. "Hey, these aren't sheep!

They're just eggs!" I exclaimed. "Throw it and see what happens?" Petra suggested. I threw
The egg at a nearby wall, and instead of a baby chicken coming out, a full grown sheep

came out. "How-" I started, before spotting something in the distance. I walked towards

movement. "Aggh!" I screamed, as a chicken hopped out in front of me. "Guys, I found the

eversource!" I called, picking the chicken up. "Let's go!" I yelled, running toward the exit.

"Not so fast!" A female voice called. All of a sudden, Milo, Petra, and Ivor were pushed to

the wall, and couldn't escape because of the guards. "Hey, let them go!" I yelled, as the

founder came into my view, followed by Aiden. Man I hated that jerk! "Whatever Aiden

has been telling you, don't believe it!" I pleaded, backing up. "How dare you come in here

and try to steal the eversource... the thing that these people depend on," she said, ignoring
me. "I almost feel sorry for doing this," Aiden said, throwing a creeper egg at the founder,

causing her to stumble off the edge. Luckily she grabbed on. "Ahhh!" I heard Lukas yell,

and I turned around to see Lukas and Aiden wrestling. "You save the founder, I've got

Aiden!" Lukas yelled. "Oh you've got me, Lukas?" Aiden asked. "Yeah, I do!" He screamed,

punching Aiden in the jaw. I rushed over and grabbed the founder's hand, and pulled her

up. "Thank you," she whispered. Suddenly, I felt pressure on my back, and I was pushed

off the edge, the founder falling behind me. Great. Just great. "Thank you for saving me

back there Jesse," the founder said. "Don't worry about it, founder," I replied with a smile.

"Please, call me Isa," she told me, pulling me closer and kissing me. I was in shock, but

eased into the kiss. I almost wished that there was no land, and just void, so that we could

stay in that moment forever. The moment that I realized I loved the founder. I loved Isa.

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