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Stampy X Dan

Stampy's POV:


That's what feeling flooded my body.


Because the school bully had shoved me into the lockers again...

"Ha! Looks like cat boy can't land on his feet!" He laughed, kicking me.

I closed my eyes and braced for pain, only to open them to the sound of a crash.

I looked around and finally saw that he had been pushed into another locker on the other

side of the hall.

A blue haired boy was standing in front of him, yelling at him.

"How do you like it, huh?" I heard him yell, before I passed out due to pain.

I eventually woke up...

Taking a look at my surroundings, I could notice that I wasn't In school anymore...

I was in somebody's house.

"Where... am I?" I muttered to myself, sitting up.

The blue haired boy was sitting in a nearby chair, reading a book.

"Oh- you're awake." He said, marking his place in the book before closing it.

"Yeah... where am I?" I asked.

"I brought you to my house since you passed out," he explained, getting up.

"Oh, um... thanks," I replied, feeling a light blush appear on my face.

"Yeah, don't worry about it," he told me, "I honestly hate them..."

"I'm not too fond of them either..." I replied.

I sat back down, as my leg was hurting me still.

"I can drive you home if you'd like..." He offered.

"Sure, that'd be great... say, I never got your name." I responded, getting up

"Name's Dan." He said, helping me to the car.

I got in the passengers seat and buckled up.

We drove in silence, other than me giving directions to my house.

When we arrived, I waved goodbye and limped up to the door and unlocked it with the

spare key that I had In my pocket.

I immediately went to my room and collapsed on my bed, falling asleep.

I woke up and got ready for school the next day.

Going to my locker, I grabbed a binder and headed towards my first period, only to run

into the bullies again.

I was about to pass them without me being seen by them, until I saw who they were

shoving into a locker...


For whatever reason, I was filled with rage.

I mean, I'd only met him once, but still...

Without thinking, I grabbed the bully by the shoulders and slammed him into a locker.

"Hurt him again... and I'll make sure that you suffer worse, understand?" I threatened.

He looked at me, fear in his eyes.

"Understand?" I yelled again.

He nodded really quickly and ran off.

I turned around and helped Dan up.

"Heh... thanks" he said.

"It was nothing, really," I replied.

"You deserve something for helping me," he told me.

I shook my head. "No, honestly. It's fine."

Dan smiled. "I think I have just the thing."

He leaned down and kissed me.

Is this really happening? I thought, panicpanicpanicpanicpanic!

I was suprised at first, but I kissed him back.

"Y'know, I think that I did need that," I smiled.

He smiled as well.

"Of course... any time," he replied, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before heading off

to class.

I smiled to myself and headed off to class as well.

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