Happy New Year

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Romeo x Xara

There's nothing quite like waiting until the last minute, Xara thought to herself as she was

writing out invitations. She was planning a party for New Years Eve and she hadn't even begun

to work on anything other than who would be invited. "Whatcha working on over there," a voice

called from the doorway. She looked up and saw her friend, Romeo, standing there. "I'm

planning a New Years Eve party," she sighed, "and I still have so much to do." Romeo chuckled. 

"Why don't you just cancel the party then?" he asked. There was a silence. "Woah, I'm just

kidding!" he added after noticing the glare Xara was giving him. She playfully rolled her eyes

and continued writing out her invitations. Romeo stood silently, watching her work. He smiled

after Xara had screamed, "FINISHED!" at the top of her lungs. She looked over and saw him 

standing there. Color rushed to her cheeks and she turned away quickly. Romeo laughed.

"No need to be embarrassed," he said, "It's only me." She gave him a small smile.

"Well, I guess I should mail these and get started on the planning," she said shyly.

"I'll deliver them," Romeo told her. Xara looked at him.

"Are you sure?" she asked, "you don't have your powers so you'd have to hand deliver them."

He nodded. "Anything for my Xara," he said, taking the letters. She blushed again and

turned around again. Romeo smirked and left the room.

When he got back, Xara had managed to plan everything. "Wow, done already?" Romeo

asked her, surprised that she was able to complete so much in so little time. She nodded.

"Here's your invite, by the way," she said, handing him an invitation. He smiled.

"You do realize that if you hadn't given me one, I would've had to crash it, right?" Romeo

joked. Xara rolled her eyes. "I have to get everything ready. I'll see you there at 8:00," she

told him and walked off.

The next day, all the guests showed up at Xara's house for the party. "Hey everyone!" she 

greeted, letting them come inside. Everyone talked and played party games until it was about

11:45. "Great party Xara," Romeo complimented her, taking a sip of his punch. "Thanks," she

said, smiling. Everything started to quiet down as it got closer to Midnight. "Hey Xara, can I talk

to you for a second?" he asked her, "away from everyone?" She nodded and followed him into

the hall. "What was it you wanted to tell me?" she asked him. He looked over at the clock. 10

more seconds, he thought to himself. "Romeo?" she said, trying to get him to tell her what he 

was planning to. Before she could say anything else, the room filled with cheers. "HAPPY NEW

YEAR!" everyone shouted. At that moment, Romeo grabbed Xara and kissed her. At first, she

was shocked, but she eased into the kiss. "Happy New Year Xara," he told her, smiling.

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