23: Tidings

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"With love and care, with strength and faith, I'll fight any obstacle as long as you're here."

He didn't come back, not even a month later. I suppose he liked it there with her. He didn't call once to check on me nor did he ask me about his dynamic company that had become an international eye. Abdullah, as promised, helped me thoroughly and with each passing month my belly grew incredibly, abnormally large. It was hard working all hours but I had to do it no matter how much I tried to rest. It was the end of my eighth month and he still didn't come back nor did he call and so I decided I make a call wishing he picked it and not her.

With a racing heart as I sat at his office desk, I let the phone ring, Abdullah like the lovely brother he went to get lunch for both of us. With bated breath, the phone connected, and I said hello timidly.

"Hoor?" A feminine voice questioned, and suspiciously I knew who that voice belonged to.

Forgetting how nervous Musa made, I stood strong and answered, "Yes." Not knowing what else to say, I waited for her to give the owner his phone.

"Well, well, Wifey calling her hubby." She mused stating the obvious.

Rolling my eyes, "Aleeyah, get a life." I said annoyed and was about to cut the call when she said something that stopped my heart altogether.

"Aren't you wondering where Musa dearie is? I mean it's been a few months now and considering his habits don't you think his phone would never be in my hands if he were here . . ." she trailed off, hinting what I was dreading.

I knew exactly what she was saying, he let no one touch his things, and even if you did, he would insult you so bad you would wish you never even eyed his things especially when that specific was his phone, he never let it out of his grasp I had even asked once why and he had replied dryly, "Such devices should always be in our reach especially if you're on the run.." I never understood but I never pushed the subject either. And now when his phone was attended to by his wife, well I was shocked and worried, I had a hunch she was going to kill me by hurting him. I could feel my heart speed up, as I told him many times, "You're going to be the death of me." And he'd always smirk, I foresaw it all, and he didn't believe me, only if men listened to their wives.

"What are you saying?" I gasped, not wanting to believe anything yet.

"Your clever, figure it out." She paused, chuckling maniacally. "I will destroy you and that child of yours you so secretly bare. Oh, Hoor, you have no idea what I'll do to your love just to ensure your destruction." She vowed to take my breath away.

No, not again, tears gushed down my cheeks as my breathing labored, terror striking my chest painfully, I had been in her torture I didn't want my husband to face the same too.

"Aleeyah, leave him out of this." I sobbed, not controlling my emotions anymore, not so brave I guess. "Please . . ." I whispered, not knowing who I was begging to, her or the Almighty.

She laughed, "Not so brave now are we." She teased, not sparing me the pain she promised to deliver us.

My heart slowed as I let the fear take over me, my body suddenly very heavy as I stumbled away from the desk wanting to catch some air as my chest constricted, not allowing any oxygen to pass. She couldn't do this, not when we were just getting close, not when I was nearly on my last stage, not when my children needed their father. I was miserable already. Why was she after me, why!

"Please, where is he?" I pleaded, to thin air or her, I wasn't sure. My voice tight from sobbing, leaning one hand on the wall I supported my weight trying very hard to stay calm, but every effort seemed fatal as the burden of her words kept pressing my heart down.

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