Chapter 5: New People

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The blonde was clutching the brink of his nose and tilting his head backwards, towards the parking lot. A small trickle of dried blood was evident down his face, and down to his neck. His hair was streaked with brown and looked as if it had been tossed in a hurricane simulator.

I'd stopped in my tracks and just stared at the boy, unsure of what to do. Would he be upset that I hit him?

Of course he would, idiot. Wouldn't you be?

Well yeah but I mean, will he hit me back?

Seriously? No, he's not going to hit you. That's against the law, stupid.

Oh right.

While having my stupid conversation with my self-conscience, I let go of the door causing it to slam back into its hold. The slam echoed a bit, definitely ringing in the blonde's ears. My suspicions were correct.

The boy's head snapped down to look at me. It took one glance from his bright blue eyes for him to panic. His eyes went wide and the hand holding his nose fell to the side. He let out a strange yelp and ran to... Wes?

The boy clutched the tops of Wes' shoulders and hid behind his muscular frame. The top of the boy's head perked up to the side of Wes' pointed jaw, like he was checking if I was still here.

Wes looked at me with his eyebrows together and a face of confusion. I'm sure I had a similar look. A bit of my blonde hair slipped to the side as I cocked my head, like a puppy that was told some new word.

The boy yelped again. "Wes, don't let her kill me. Please don't let her kill me. I'm too young to die, Wes! She's going to kill me!" He screeched and ducked lower so only his eyes were visible over Wes' shoulder.

Wes glanced back at the blonde in confusion again and I did the same. Then it clicked. A smile grew on my face, stretching until I'm sure I looked like a Cheshire Cat. Then I laughed.

I laughed so hard. My full Ed, the hyena, laugh; cackling and snorting included. I couldn't catch enough oxygen through my lungs and ended up keeled over with my hands on my knees. It was so funny.

This boy thought I was going to kill him because I'd punched him. Oh boy, that was great.

My stomach hurt and I felt my abs tightening by the time my laughter had ceased. I took a few gasping breaths, with small chuckles in-between, before standing up straight.

Both boys were staring at me as if I were an alien. Wes had a small smile on his face but was mostly looking at me strangely. His eyes gave him away. They were twinkling with amusement and crinkling at the edges, a sign he wanted to smile.

The other boy had come out from behind Wes and was standing parallel to him. His entire facial makeup was painted with confusion, I wondered how someone could be so confused. Luckily for him, his nose had stopped bleeding, leaving a splotch of red against his white skin.

"I'm not going to kill you," I said, still trying to catch my lost breath. A large smile was embedded on my face. I saw one starting to creep up on Wes as well.

"What?" The blonde asked. His eyes widened and he took a step back, he obviously wasn't concealing his shock.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, "I'm not going to kill you. And if I were to kill anyone, it wouldn't be you. You're too..." I scrunched my nose, thinking of something. "ugly."

Wes chocked from holding back laughter and the other boy looked absolutely mortified. His blue eyes widened to the full extent and his jaw dropped open revealing a set of straight teeth. I smirked at his reaction.

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