Chapter 15: Water Fight

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Today has to be the most eventful day, well second wait, third most eventful day in my entire life. I've been surprised before but today slapped me square in the face. That was the level of surprise I was at.

It's been three days since I was over at Wes' house. After I woke up so abruptly and found him nearly passed out next to me, I left quietly so he could sleep. He flipped out when he woke up and saw me missing which earned me ten worried phone calls Saturday evening. It was kind of funny to hear how worried he was, he even ran out into the snow. He got mad at me when I laughed though.

Sunday I spent alone in my house on my phone and reading most of the day. It was pretty uneventful. Mom showed up at around six in the evening, slugging up the stairs into her room completely ignoring me. She didn't come out all night.

Monday was the same as Friday. No real important events in the Ridgmond High School history book. Although, Mike was acting quite jumpy and kept fumbling over his words. Whenever Lily asked him a question he would get all red and toss around words that didn't even make sense. Wes and I found it odd but we had our own suspicions. Of course today they came became reality.

Today, Tuesday the second of February 2016, history was made. Not global impacting history but significant impact for the seven of us. During our lunch period, Mike arrived later than the rest of us and pulled Lily outside. They could be seen from the windows standing in the cold, the only sources of color against the snow.

Lily looked about ready to smack Mike for dragging her out into twenty degree weather until he said something to her. She seemed to freeze along with everything else in the environment. Her lips moved, eyes wide and unsure of something. By now the entire cafeteria was captivated in the crazy students outside.

Mike said the same thing again and the words finally registered in Lily's mind. A bright pink blush dusted her face against the goosebump giving weather. The only word I could make out of their entire conversation was Lily's distinct 'yes'. I took it as Mike finally had the balls to ask her out. That was the first exciting event.

The second was my remembrance of my bet with Wes. I won. He bet me that it would take one week, as of Tuesday the nineteenth of January, for Mike to ask Lily out. It's been two weeks. I just had to rub my victory in his face so I spent every second of the rest of the day doing just that.

The third most shocking event of this day was when I was invited over for dinner at Wes' house. I almost fell out of my chair in Trigonometry; Mr Telt nearly gave me another detention when he found out I was on my phone. My reply to Wes was hesitant, thinking of the consequences of meeting his family. Then I decided, screw it, and told him I'd walk home with him so it would be easier for me to get there.

That was how I ended up laying on Wes' queen size bed, with abdominal pains from laughing so hard. Wes was in the same condition, holding his stomach with closed eyes and the largest smile. Melissa McCarthy's movie Spy was playing on his tablet at the end of the bed.

"I can't... believe they... did that," I gasped out in between laughs. Wes couldn't seem to find it in him to stop the continuous laughter. The laugh lines in his face were more prominent than ever, showing the enjoyment his life contained.

"That's so disgusting," He forced out, halting his laugh for a few seconds. The cackles in the room sounded so fake and forced when he wasn't laughing. It made me wish I was that happy, made me crave that feeling.

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