[Chapter 4] The Game

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The three found Rachael already searching the scene. She was hovering around the TV in the living room, looking intently at it even though all it was was a white screen.

“What is it?” Joey inquired, walking up to her and tapping her shoulder.

“This game,” She said, picking up the case from the floor and examining it briefly, “It’s called ‘Missing,’ I don’t think I..."

“OH MY GOD!” Anthony screamed, ripping the case out of Rachael’s hands, “I wanted to get this game so badly so I can play it with Ian! I can’t believe they got it before me!”

“Dude, this game hasn’t even come out yet!” Joey exclaimed, looking over Anthony’s shoulder. “How did they get a copy of it first!?!” He asked with a puzzled face.

“I know, right?” Anthony marveled over the game with Joey. Both of the girls just glared at them as they waited for them to get back to business. After about two minutes of nonstop talk about the game, it was likely it wasn’t going to end anytime soon, so Kenya decided to break the silence. “O-M-G! Talk about immature much?” Kenya said sarcastically. “Instead of being two dweebs, why don’t you both grow up and remember what we’re here for!?!”

Rachael glanced briefly over her shoulder and rolled her eyes. She walked out of the room to check the rest of the scene.

Her friend followed her, “Hey, Rach?”

She glanced over her shoulder slightly and answered, “Yes, Kenya?”

“I checked for fingerprints and there aren’t any except on the game controller!” Kenya said, “It’s like the place was swept clean before we arrived!”

The blonde took the game controller from her friend, “Okay, what are you thinking, then?”

“Well, whoever did this, they knew we’d be coming!” Kenya stated. “But we need the controller just so I can run the prints.”

“So, what do we know so far?” Joey asked, walking into the room, accompanied by Anthony.

“Well, our victims seem to be YouTubers! With all of the cameras and laptop with the editing program” Anthony stated the obvious. The three of them glared at him.

“Thanks, Captain Obvious!” Kenya said in a sarcastic tone. “Also the crime scene is swept of fingerprints except on the video game controllers!”

“We have to now assume all the crime scenes have been swept.” Joey said as he took out his small notebook.

“Add that the only piece of evidence is the video game and the controller,” Rachael responded, pointing to the detective’s small notebook. She froze for a moment and then shook her head, “Guys, I don’t think there’s an Unsub. I mean, if there was, there would be so much more evidence. And all we have is the controllers. I’m sorry, guys, I just...don’t think there’s an Unsub!”

“Then why’d you…?” Joey began to ask when Kenya cut him off.

“Hey, where is Anthony?” Kenya asked the two detectives. Both of them shrugged their shoulders just as Anthony walked into the room, frustrated.

“WHY WON’T IAN PICK UP MY FUCKING CALLS!?! IT’S BEEN THREE FUCKING DAYS!!!” He yelled, his tone full of rage.

“Calm down!” Rachael shouted at him, “He hasn’t been answering any of our calls.”

He rolled his eyes, “You don’t get it, Rach. He’s not your best friend.”

She glared at him before snatching his phone out of his hands, “Calm down, Anthony. We have bigger things to worry about than Ian not answering our calls."

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