[Chapter 5] Mass Chaos

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Joey and Kenya are driving to Toby Turner’s house and call Anthony and Rachael, who stayed at Dan and Phil’s place a little longer than they did.

“Hey, Rach?” Joey asked, “You there?”

“Yeah, what’s up?” She replied, her tone distracted.

“We’re headed to Toby’s place. Clare is going to be there waiting for us. When you get here, Rach, you and I will interview her and Anthony and Kenya can look around for evidence. Okay?”

“Yeah...we’ll be there in twenty minutes,” Rachael replied. “Hey!” She screamed before Joey was about to hang up, “Put Kenya on the phone.”

Joey handed Kenya the phone, “Hola!” Kenya greeted in a happy tone, “ ¿Qué pasa?”

Her friend rolled her eyes, “You know I didn’t take Spanish! Stop talking to me in it! I don’t understand a single word you say!”

“You didn’t take Spanish?” Anthony asked her, looking at her in disbelief. She shook her head.

“I know right? That was the best language ever!” Kenya shouted through the phone so Anthony could hear her.

As the two kept talking, she handed Anthony the phone. He looked at her confused. “Well if you’re going to talk to her, here’s the phone!”

He smirked, “No, you can keep it,” He said, pushing the phone back at her. She took the phone off of speaker phone and pinned the phone between her ear and shoulder while continuing to drive.

She said in a whisper, “Hey...can I talk to you about something when we get there?”

“Why the hell are you whispering?” Kenya said in a loud tone.

Her friend briefly looked over at Anthony and blushed, “Because it’s about...about him.”

“Oh, that’s what you asked me to grab the phone and waste precious air on for like five minutes? Kenya said in a sarcastic tone, while rolling her eyes.

“I’m fucking serious Kenya!” Her friend yelled, “And I don’t appreciate your fucking sarcasm.”

“Oh, Rachael, don’t say that! You know you love me and my sarcasm!” Kenya said with a grin on her face.

Rachael rolled her eyes, “See you there, Kenya.” And she hung up before her friend could say anything.

“Well, she is not gonna be in a good mood when we talk to her later!” Kenya said to Joey and then laughed.

Joey simply asked, “Why do you insist on annoying Rachael all the time? She is sensitive.”

“Sensitive my ass!” Kenya said, “When she gets serious with what she wants, she isn’t ‘sensitive’!”

Joey looked at Kenya, “She’s your friend. Your best friend, even! And you know you’re just pushing her buttons for the fun of it.” Kenya tried to say something when Joey put his finger up to her lips, “Don’t say you don’t, because you do.”

“Ok, have you met Rachael!?!” She exclaimed, swatting his finger away, “She does it just as much as I do! She does it just to piss me off!” Kenya said to Joey in an annoyed voice “ And I swear to you I will bite off your finger if you put it in my face again!”

After Kenya’s comment, the majority of the ride was silent. Until Joey broke it by saying, “Hey...are we still on for tonight?”

Kenya heaved a sigh. “I can’t stay mad at you for long, so, yes, we are still on for tonight… Speaking of tonight, where are we going? I just want to know so I know how to dress.”

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