Chapter 6

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"So how are you doing, any morning sickness, dizziness" Mrs Lopez, my doctor asks. "Um, sometimes morning sickness, but never dizziness" I reply, fiddling with my thumbs. "Okay, well if you could get changed into this robe and sit up on the table, that would be great. I'll give you a minute,call me when your done" she tells me and begins to exit the room. I mutter a thank you, and pick up the medical robe from the bed. "Do you want me to wait outside" Sammy pipes up. "No, I'll just close the curtain" I reply, sliding the curtain closed. I strip out of my clothes and place the robe on. "Sammy, can you call the doctor back in" I ask, getting a yeah in reply. A few seconds later the doctor comes in and slides the curtain back. "So if you just lie down, we can start the ultrasound" she says pressing tonnes of buttons on the machine. I lie down, and open the robe at my stomach. Sammy comes round at the other side of the bed and holds my hand. She gives me a reassuring squeeze making me thankful that she is here. "Okay so this might be a bit cold, but you should be fine" The doctor says,before placing the gel on my bare stomach. She puts the scanner (a/n DK what there called) on top of the gel and moves it around. Me and Sammy watch the screen closely, looking at my beautiful baby. "So , the baby looks healthy and would you like to find out the gender today?" she asks, typing something into her computer. "Yes please" I say smiling at Sammy. "I'm so excited"Sammy says quietly making me nod. "Well, looks like you have a little princess on your hands" the doctor says making me gasp. "You mean i-i'm having a gg-girl" I begin to tear up and so does Sammy. "Yep. Your next appointment is in 2 months so make sure to come back to check on the baby and don't be afraid to pop in if you think something is going wrong" she says. "Okay, thank you so much" I say getting up and giving her a hug.

After the appointment me and Sammy decide to go to Urth Cafe because we are both starving. Once we arrive we see a big crowd of people and paparazzi. "Someone famous must be here" Sammy says chuckling. I laugh along and we continue to walk inside. We push through the crowd, Sammy shouting things along the line of "Pregnant woman here" or "Whale coming through" Making me laugh to be honest, even though she just called me a whale. Once we get inside we see that it is very busy. "Hi can we have a seat for 2" I tell the waitress who came over to us. "Sure but the only seat is in the back and there is a celebrity back there so you can't really freak out" she says, in a bitchy tone. "Okay, I don't really care who it is me and my baby are hungry thank you very much" I say in the same tone. Her eyes widen and she nods nervously. I win! She takes us to the back where I see a familiar boy and bodyguards I guess. "Here are your seats" she tells us, laying our menus down. We both mutter a thank you and she leaves. I pick up my menu and begin to decide what I want, but then look up to see Sammy staring at the boy. I kick her shin making her glare at me. "What" she spits making me laugh. "Stop staring" I say, looking back at my menu. "Um, Lace, I Think we should leave" she says abruptly, standing up. "Why?" What the hell? "Sit back down Sam" I say, and she slowly sits down. "Your gonna change your mind once you see who that "Boy" is" she finishes, making me look over. Shit! Its Justin, and he is staring right at me, shock on his face, me mirroring his facial expression. "Well, just ignore him, i'm hungry as fuck" I say, turning away. "Whore" I hear him mutter under his breath. "Excuse me?" I say, did he just say that to someone he fucked 2 months ago. He fucks whores everyday. "Your pregnant" he blankly says. "Well naw" I say smacking my forehead.He glares at me because I pointed out the obvious. "Well you were supposedly pregnant with my baby like 2 months ago and now your actually pregnant. Do you even know the dad?" he asks, him and his friend laughing. I thought he was alone. "It's my boyfriend" I say making him smirk. "You've had a boyfriend for what a month and your already pregnant" he says, edging closer to the end of the booth. "Actually a year" I say taking a sip of my orange juice that just arrived. "So you cheated on him with me, how did he react" he says smugly. Bitch. "She never told him okay so just fuck off you dick" Sammy butts in. I mouth a thank-you to her and look back at a smug looking Justin. "So i'm your little secret" he says winking at me. "You know what," I say standing up and grabbing my things, Sam doing the same, "I hope this baby is yours cause that test could have been wrong, and i'm 2 months in so, it has a 50% chance of being yours so don't even go there" I say leaving him wide eyed and speechless. "I hope its yours so I can wipe that stupid smirk that you have on your face every time and trust me, if it is, you will never see it cause I don't want my baby around you and your whores" I spit, slapping his fucking soft ass cheeks. Right. Stop now. I storm out of the restaurant, Sammy behind me and we head to the car. I swear if anyone filmed that I will become a recluse.



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