Chapter 8

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"Okay, now push, and slowly" my midwife says as she sits in between my legs. I begin to push, pain rushing through my body. "Come on. Your doing it, just a few more pushes" she tells me. I push with all the strength I have, making my mother encourage me saying they can see the head.

"Come on Lace, I'm so proud of you, keep going" Sammy says, holding my hand. "I'm so sorry guys but something came up at work. We've got to go and handle it, but keep going, your doing great" Alex's parents stun me. I nod while breathing heavily into the gas and air. They just left, they fucking left there own grandchild's birth.

They couldn't say that, oh I don't know, there son's girlfriend is giving birth right fucking now. "Don't stress hon, just concentrate on getting the angel out" my mother says, making Alex's parents disappear from my thoughts. "One more push sweetie" Mary the midwife says, smiling at me, earning a smile back.

I push, hard this time, a sigh of relief leaving me once I feel empty. A few seconds later I hear soft crying and doctors coming in the room. They pick up my baby and clean it off. "Would you like to meet your baby, dear" Mary says, the baby in her arms, wrapped in a pink blanket making me smile. I've always wanted a mini me.

"And here is your beautiful new baby girl" Mary says, handing me the most adorable and stunning baby I have ever seen. I mean really she is beautiful, I mean sure Me and Alex are good looking but I'm so confused. I stare at her hazel eyes and soft lightish Brown hair.

What the hell? Where did she get these features? Alex has blonde hair and blue eyes, and I have black hair and brown eyes. I brush my thoughts aside and coo at the newly born baby in my arms.

About 3 hours later Alex finally arrived, but then left after we had an huge argument.

"Baby, I'm so sorry I'm late, the flight it took forever" Alex says rushing into the room. He dumps his bag on the ground and rushes over to me. I hand him the baby and he sits down. For a second I saw happy in his eyes, but that changed straight away. "Um, why does he not look like us" he says, laughing at the end so that no-one notices how fucking pissed he is right now, but I see it. "She reminds me a lot of that singer, Justin Bieber.

 My daughter and her friend are going to his concert at the Staples Center tonight" Mary says, making me and Sammy look worryingly at Alex. Anger flushes over his face, but he tries very hard to cover it. Alex is, well he is something. Only Sammy knows what he's like. He reminds me of Jekyll and Hyde, he has two different sides to him. And when his angry side comes out, you don't want to be there.

 "Can you give us a minute please" Alex asks everyone in the room. Sammy gives me the "Are you sure" look and I nod. Everyone leaves the room, leaving me, Alex and the baby. "So....the baby looks like Justin Bieber. Isn't that funny, didn't you hang out with him like 9 months ago" Alex says, slow and intimidating. I gulp loudly, avoiding his eye contact. I feel his eyes on me burning holes through my body. "Did you...uh fuck...did you sleep with him" he says, slow and raspy. I ignore his question, I just sit on the bed guilt all over my face.

"WHAT THE FUCK, you told me it was Kady. You fucking cheated on me with that high piece of shit" he screams, making the baby cry. "Please," I whimper, "Put the baby down". He obeys my request and places the baby in the bed near the window. "I didn't mean it, I was drunk and he charmed me. He's very good at that" I whisper the last bit. "I DON'T FUCKING CARE IF YOU WERE DRUNK. YOU FUCKING CHEATED ON ME AND GOT PREGNANT." he screams again. "It might not be" I say barely above a whisper. "IT OBVIOUSLY FUCKING IS" he screams. Before I  could speak I felt his fist connect to my face. I sit there in shock, staring at Alex, hoping it was a mistake. 

But was I really wrong. He was standing there, smiling, licking his teeth. Before he could say anything else, security barge through the door, tackling him to the ground. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME" he shouts, security ignoring his calls. Sammy runs in, engulfing me in a hug. "We saw baby, it's okay, let it all out" she says as I begin to cry. "M-my jaw hurts" I wince when my mother touches it. "We'll get this sorted out sweetie" A nurse says. "My baby" I gasp. "She's here Lace" Sammy says, handing me my beautiful baby. "Harper" I say, stroking her cheek. "What?" everyone says, "Her name, Harper, she looks like a Harper" I say, gently kissing her forehead, my jaw beginning to sting. "Ok, lets check that out Miss Coleman" the doctor says walking in the room. 

Harper, I like it.


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